Buck Hollow Sporting Goods - click or touch to visit their website Midwest Habitat Company

2007 Mushroom Count

Instead of going turkey hunting this afternoon, I took the boys mushroom hunting. We found an even 50.
I gotta be up around 10 lbs or so for the year, don't know the number but lets just add a few more bunches to the total
three of us went Friday and found just short of 11# and hooked up again Saturday and found a total of 31#. the rain saved us on these. right at about 50# for the year.
Last night my dad, my brother, and i went out and we found 36. Right after school today i went out and found 32, some REAL nice ones. I also found a few fresh greys. Going back out tonight with my brother.
Got into another bunch of about 70 or so after work tonight in one of my honey holes, was only there for about 30 minutes. All really nice sized, a mix of greys and yellows and probably 4-5 lbs. total.

9.4 pounds today gave me just about $100 in my wallet. Good thing I ate myself sick on these things when I was a kid, the extra $$$ will help buy doe tags this fall!
Man everywhere I seem to hit I find them by the bag full. I ended up at 2 of my honey holes after work today, filled one bag so hight that I had to carry it out like a baby in my arms because it was beginning to damage the shrooms ont he bottom and tear the bag. Grabbed another bag and filled it too. I am Moreled out just about, but the extra cash is always good from them. If anyone in IC area is looking for morels let me know, I have plenty and would be willing to part with some for a fellow Iowawhitetailer free of charge, otherwsie I am saving a few for myself and the rest are going to Coop.

9.4 pounds today gave me just about $100 in my wallet. Good thing I ate myself sick on these things when I was a kid, the extra $$$ will help buy doe tags this fall!

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That is great thinkin.. looks like i need to get my butt in gear if i wanna make some money for deer tags! Muddy.. good thinkin... now im gunna have my deer tag stock! Ah.. another thing to add money too!
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