Well I wish I had more of a story to tell you guys but the whole encounter with this guy lasted about 30 seconds, it happened fast to say the least! The morning of Friday, Nov. 6 I decided to sit in a stand back in the timber bordering a creek. Shortly after daylight, I filmed a doe and a button buck walk underneath me. About an hour or so later, another doe and button buck walked by but they went the other direction. Around 8:00 they disappeared and I turned the camera off and hung up my bow. As soon as I sat back down, I heard a twig snap, and there he was about 25 yards away and closing fast. He was on a mission to find that doe and he was quickly walking down a trail that brought him 15 yards in front of my stand. I barely had time to turn the camera back on draw back on the bow before I had to stop him. He ran 80 yards and fell over. He is my second and biggest buck with a bow. His gross score is 163 3/8, thanks to AIRASSAULT.