2013 Governors Tags

well Thank God Blake Shelton got 3......

I was born and raised in Iowa,graduated ISU,own land and a house in Red Oak and get to bowhunt once every 3 years as is-I dont complain about that-I dont want NR's buying everything up like Illinois and kansas-but it galls me to see people jump to the front of the line.I live in Florida and hope to eventually retire to Iowa (reverse snowbird!) die and be buried there.Fair is fair.
well Thank God Blake Shelton got 3......

I was born and raised in Iowa,graduated ISU,own land and a house in Red Oak and get to bowhunt once every 3 years as is-I dont complain about that-I dont want NR's buying everything up like Illinois and kansas-but it galls me to see people jump to the front of the line.I live in Florida and hope to eventually retire to Iowa (reverse snowbird!) die and be buried there.Fair is fair.

I don't think the "3" means he got 3 tags that year, I believe it means that is the third governor's tag, all in different years, that he got. It is a cumulative number, not a representation of one particular year.

That being said...I am very much against the "Governor's tags", but more from a standpoint of equality than whether it highlights the Iowa deer resource too much. If there is a law on the books, then it should be applied evenly to everyone and not have exceptions for a certain class of people.

Who decides who is a so called "celebrity" for crying out loud? Why should a celebrity have any more rights than a non-celebrity? To me, it is indication of an element of shallowness in our character that we even have "celebrities".

I think it is a very bad precedent to set when the "king", aka the governor, gets to select certain people to enjoy special privileges that the rest of us commoners do not qualify for.
How the program is defined (my quick remarks) is the person who can reach the most people to showcase Iowa and bring more attention and spotlight to Iowa. Who ever does that the most effectively will be further in line to get the tag when they apply again. Obviously if I'm a country singer, I can make a case that I have or did reach hundreds of thousands or millions of viewers that others are not reaching. Then, I'd be likely to get tags the 3 out 3 tags I applied (like above said) and continuing every time I apply.
The TAG DEMAND HAS NOT DECREASED, those #'s are due to the preference point system, which more people don't apply, they just buy the points. It's a FACT, in southern Iowa- it used to be every other year and now it's roughly ever 4 years, in just a 6-7 year timeframe shift. More people buy the points now which are not included in there and the wait has increased immensely.

This makes sense but is not how it was explained to me by someone at the state level. Go figure. They thought that even preference point buyers were included in the total number of applicants. Apparently not.

Anyway, I have some friends from out of state that I allow to hunt when they draw and I know it takes longer now. I was thinking this was due to the limit on archery tag numbers. Were the limits always in place or were they ever reduced?

At any rate, I really think the demand is flat-lining now. Unless our deer herd is improved it will decline.
save this post. As we all will find out soon enough one of our own sold us out. Cant say what I know but you will be very suprised whats going on in the back ground. $$$$$ Rule.
The TAG DEMAND HAS NOT DECREASED, those #'s are due to the preference point system, which more people don't apply, they just buy the points. It's a FACT, in southern Iowa- it used to be every other year and now it's roughly ever 4 years, in just a 6-7 year timeframe shift. More people buy the points now which are not included in there and the wait has increased immensely.


I would agree that the points purchased rather than license applied for makes it look like demand has dropped when in fact, it has not. But, I doubt there are very many hunters in any zone that need 4 points to draw. Three for bow in the most popular zones, perhaps, but not 4.

As for the governors tags, they need to go away, forever! I would propose that they are added to the NR quota.
save this post. As we all will find out soon enough one of our own sold us out. Cant say what I know but you will be very suprised whats going on in the back ground. $$$$$ Rule.

Does this have anything to do with an interview that some of us may have watched on a web based hunting show? This is my only guess on "one of our own" who "sold us out"…….
I've got no dog in the fight but I like Daver's take.

I've got nothing against Blake Shelton but what makes him more deserving than I? I think the shallowness point is bang on.
Anyone notice Scott Bestul is on the older list with a 4. Wasn't that the author of the Field and Stream article "Politics of Deer Management". Interesting??
Anyone notice Scott Bestul is on the older list with a 4. Wasn't that the author of the Field and Stream article "Politics of Deer Management". Interesting??

Ya, I think you're right. I might give him a pass on that, maybe? I have buddies that want the program to go away, think it's a joke and laugh while they get the tag in the mail. They'll take advantage of it and hunt here all the time while the other "suckers" wait their turn. They all know it's a ridiculous program but "hey, I might as well get one and skip ahead in line" is what I constantly hear.
save this post. As we all will find out soon enough one of our own sold us out. Cant say what I know but you will be very suprised whats going on in the back ground. $$$$$ Rule.

Should I be selling my farms in Missouri and buying in IA, haha! Actually, I hope they keep everything the same. I'd hate to see Iowa follow in the footsteps of Kansas and IL. Hopefully, the state will think long term.
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I'm a fan of the U nuff said. I would say you may want to BUY+++ for now. Hold for 3 years to 5 years and sell.

I told my wife 10 years to see a serious return and if you do it in 5 well just that much better. Clinton will be POTUS is 2016 and them Clintons know how to get the $ ball rollin.
Some will say lands gone to crash and I know they want it to be 100 bucks an acre.

Good tillable may correct but good recreational should hold firm as I dont think its blown up. Overall Iowa land is still priced better than almost any other states rec ground. Kansas is nasty compared to Iowa. Its land is maybe just a bit less than here.

I look everywhere at land and overall its a good buy here. I just bought a new truck and I had that money slated for a 30 acre tract in VB that I liked. Oh well Ford got it instead. My motto is BUY when you can.
I'd be in favor of raising residents fees a bit and cutting the number of nr tags, no money loss. Maybe raise nr tags too? Obviously there is still demand. IMO: I think land will drop, farmland first, then rec. not bottom out but half of what they are now. If the state kills off most of the deer, rec may go faster. What NR will want hunting land in Iowa when we do have any deer

I'm a fan of the U nuff said. I would say you may want to BUY+++ for now. Hold for 3 years to 5 years and sell.

I told my wife 10 years to see a serious return and if you do it in 5 well just that much better. Clinton will be POTUS is 2016 and them Clintons know how to get the $ ball rollin.
Some will say lands gone to crash and I know they want it to be 100 bucks an acre.

Good tillable may correct but good recreational should hold firm as I dont think its blown up. Overall Iowa land is still priced better than almost any other states rec ground. Kansas is nasty compared to Iowa. Its land is maybe just a bit less than here.

I look everywhere at land and overall its a good buy here. I just bought a new truck and I had that money slated for a 30 acre tract in VB that I liked. Oh well Ford got it instead. My motto is BUY when you can.

So you bought a truck instead of ground after your research suggests that ground will go up in value. Brilliant........not.

I'm a fan of the U nuff said. I would say you may want to BUY+++ for now. Hold for 3 years to 5 years and sell.

I told my wife 10 years to see a serious return and if you do it in 5 well just that much better. Clinton will be POTUS is 2016 and them Clintons know how to get the $ ball rollin.
Some will say lands gone to crash and I know they want it to be 100 bucks an acre.

Good tillable may correct but good recreational should hold firm as I dont think its blown up. Overall Iowa land is still priced better than almost any other states rec ground. Kansas is nasty compared to Iowa. Its land is maybe just a bit less than here.

I look everywhere at land and overall its a good buy here. I just bought a new truck and I had that money slated for a 30 acre tract in VB that I liked. Oh well Ford got it instead. My motto is BUY when you can.

Same here. I believe you buy when you can. I also bought a truck in November that I want to pay off before I buy more.

Fletch everyone's situation is. I had a truck for 17 years and since nothing was for sale around me I took the opportunity to buy a truck and hopefully pay it off before more comes for sale in my area.
Looks like Goarmy had his reasons as well.
Long term, ground is a no brainer. Might have corrections and likely will but up up up will be the direction long term. We are way under priced vs other parts of country. Keep promoting Iowa with Gov tags, it will help land prices. *Technically, since I own land, I'd want the promotion so it'll help land prices. I don't want that though, I want what's best for the state and management and not my own land values, etc.
Buy & buy more is my suggestion and be able to weather the storm when values fluctuate shorter term.