Buck Hollow Sporting Goods - click or touch to visit their website Midwest Habitat Company

2014 Bow Kill

Bone Slayer

I got into the stand Saturday morning around 6:30. The first hour of daylight was a little slow for me. At about 8:00 I had 3 does walk 15 yards in front of me. The biggest doe kept sticking her nose is the air and looking around. I knew at this point there was no way she could smell me as she was upwind of me. However, after her looking around she spotted me. It was 28* and I was sitting in a bottom along a creek. The sun had just crested over top of the hill and every time I would take a breath you could easily see it. So after her looking at me for 5 minutes wondering why there was heat rising out of a tree she decided it was time to get out of there, so off she went with her two young ones. At 8:30 another doe came from the same direction and she went on her marry way up the hill. 5 minutes after she had left came this nine pointer, he was following the same path as she did until he lost her. He spent another 5 minutes searching for her trail and he finally came across it. I was planning on passing him up as it was only the 1st of November, but I have not seen many deer from the stand this year and it's my first year at Iowa State so I have not had nearly as much time as I usually spend in the stand.

He ended up getting about 50 yards from me and I started to regret not shooting him. So of course I sent an air at him at 57 yards. I hit him back and knew right away it was a gut shot. After the hit he jumped a little and walked into the weeds to the creek. I don't think he was able to jump a fence to he walked up the creek under a flood gate. Once he got up onto the bank he stood there for 20 minutes like nothing had happened. Then he started up the hill. I watched him for over an hour trying to climb up the steep hill. I backed out the other way and headed home. We went back out around 1:00. My dad and sister got on top of the hill and then my buddy and I started tracking up the hill. Little behold we ended up kicking him out of his bed. My sister was standing 2 rows inside of a corn field at the top of the hill and said he just walked by her 2 corn rows over. She said we were tracking him up the hill faster than he was walking. So again we backed out. At 5:00 with an hour of day light left we decided to go back out again. When we got to the top of the hill the outside row of the corn field had been picked! We looked for 15 minutes for a blood trail and found nothing. So we started checking along the fence line, another creek that was ahead, and I started looking in the corn field. 15 minutes later I found him 3 rows in the corn field, one more pass with the combine and it would have had him. I would say I had a lot of luck on my side that day. No means of a monster but was something I was happy with this year.

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Congrats on a dandy. Glad everything worked out for you! I think there may be a few lessons to take note of in that story.
Congrats on a dandy. Glad everything worked out for you! I think there may be a few lessons to take note of in that story.

umm hmm... agreed on a few lessons learned.

and congrats to ya man.
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