Should I leave out the DPs? I have 3 of the 6 under active den sites, the rest on trails. Change bait?? I'd imagine the soft cat food is frozen solid.
I set 10 traps Sunday and checked them Monday and Tuesday(today) and then pulled them today too. Most of the sets were DP's and when I pulled them today, several of them were sans bait...without the bait thief's paw in the cookie jar!!

I think I should have been more careful to keep the moisture(snow) out of the canister, as I think the trap mechanism was frozen up. Harrumph! I had soft cat food in those traps, so if you are leaving them out this week, I would consider taking steps to avoid freeze up.
Oh well, I still nabbed a few critters and I will probably reset some traps over the Thanksgiving break. Here are a couple of pics...I only caught 2 coons, although they were both very nice ones, and 2 greasy possums...but I also managed to run one over with the truck the other night, so I will count that in the yearly total. Therefore, the total 2014 possum count = 3.
My first double of the year!! That is of course if a possum can be counted towards a double!
A nice my only "canine set"...another harrumph! He was a mean one, he was hitting the end of the chain
towards me...until I stopped him once and for all that is.
I will also echo the congratulations to all of the IW trappers that are having success this year, in particular the kids and the dads...good stuff!!