Buck Hollow Sporting Goods - click or touch to visit their website Midwest Habitat Company

2015-2016 Youth Deer Contest!

Saturday night i was able to take Brayden on his first deer hunt. I have been waiting for this moment for seven years. Leading up to this he has been practice shooting with a .22 with a scope on it. B is left eye dominant so he has been shooting gun and bow left handed which has been rather challenging for him (being he is right handed). So Saturday night rolls around we get set up and have a rather slow evening (minus the 2 brownies, 1 granola bar, and 1 fruit snack he ate). Just as last shooting light is setting in this guy steps out at 70 yards, it took a couple minutes to get a good broadsided shot but when he turned B made a great shot with his 20 guage. He turns and looks at me and says "dad my knees or shaking like crazy" :) A short 50 yard tracking job and B had his first buck! Needless to say i have one happy son and I am a very proud father.
My daughter Kelly shot her first deer. A nice doe. Sept. 20th, Iowa youth season. Was able to upload pic to my profile but can't get it linked here.
Now that she's posted her story in our journal, I can post her pic here, too! So stinking proud of how she handled this hunt!

Blaine, who will be 8 next month, shot his first deer this last Tuesday night. A good, mature doe. We don't have a ton of deer where we were hunting and when he missed a small buck last Saturday morning, he was pretty bummed. I told him to shake it off because I was confident in his shooting abilities. We sat Sunday morn and evening without seeing a deer. Tuesday was our last night due to other commitments and he took a 40 yard shot with confidence and double lunged her. I honestly thought he missed and I think my doubts made him question his shot but he told me the crosshairs were where they were supposed to be. With a little light left we went to look for blood and he found the first drop after I walked right by it. 60 yards and done deal.
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Mason's First Deer


Mason my seven year old son got his first deer a 5 pointer with the muzzleloader during youth season.
I'm posting this for Tom Mattis. He says.......................

"Here is a photo of my son Owen with his first Pennsylvania rifle season buck, Half rack 4 point that he shot with a 243 Remington 760. At 200 yards out on the last day at 4:20 pm. He was very pushy to shoot as there was at least 20 doe out with this buck and time was running out but he made the shot right in the neck."

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