Terribly slow morning and deer running wild this afternoon. Gotta catch big boys between does or have hit doe bring him in at this point
Yep. I'm just east of the water treatment facility and at first light had about 5 bucks come in to grunting ready to go. One good 8 point but I'm still holding out.The rut is on in Winterset but today was very slow. Didn’t make it out early enough for sunrise but after 830 on was dead. About to sit for the evening hunt but not holding my breath. Weird day.
Saturday evening was pretty slow for me around the Earlham area which was a little surprising. There was a lot more activity Sunday morning. There has been a big guy tearing up there area im currently set at and I didnt see anything until about 8 and was mostly young guys looking for a date. None of the does seemed nervous or in a hurry at all really. About 930 I saw a good rack coming down the hill to the south of me ( I sit in a sort of a bowl along a small creek bottom) and he got to about 60 yards and started thrashing some brush and I thought he would come right down but a doe popped out to the south of him so he chased her a bit and then another doe popped out to the west of me about 80 yards away and she got his attention. She started be bopping down a trail right at me with big boy in tow and no matter which route she took, i was going to have a shot if he followed. She ended up crossing the creek about 10 yards in front of me and he stayed on the other side of the creek where it would have been maybe a 25 yard shot. I pull up and drew back and sort of readjust to get settled in and ive never had this happen before but somehow I hit the trigger on my release as i was getting settled and flung the arrow about 10 yards from him.. He actually started coming back but further to the east and he winded me and blew off all the way to Adair county. What a helpless feeling. Im still not sure how it happened, I always keep my finger firmly behind the trigger for just this reason. I wear a mitten so i can just poke my trigger finger out when it comes time so maybe my mitten brushed it? Oh well id rather it happened this way i guess then just flat out miss. I least this way i can say i definitely would have got it if my release didnt "malfuntion" right? Thats why they call it hunting and not killing.