I've never pheasant hunted much. I only ever shot a couple. Went out opening day this year in a road ditch that I've noticed some birds near. Got one right off the bat, it was awesome. Flushed several more but missed the rest, i'm rusty. Use to shoot clays a lot back in the day and was a real good shot, haven't done that in probably 10 years now. I've been out 3 times since opening day, one day took dad, first time he's been in years and he use to go a lot. He's rusty too, missed two roosters. Then I went to some public that I know use to hold birds. Flushed several, all but one were way to far ahead. I did hit that one, winged him and didn't find him. Took dad there last weekend, we walked about 50 yards only to look up and see another hunter way up ahead of us so we left.