Skip gave me his blessing to post this here.

Last year we started a new Social Media site called for the purpose of giving hunters a place to go, where they didn't have to worry about their pictures and posts being censored or deleted by a bunch of California Silicon Valley Tree Huggers. We have a pretty cool site and have continued to gain users everyday. Lot's of friendly people and ton's of deer pictures and stories. This year we have decided that we will be giving away a bowhunt on my personal properties in Kansas as a promotion to get additional users. Skip says I am crazy for doing this on my own managed ground, but here we go.

It costs nothing to enter the drawing and you could win an incredible hunt on private managed property. Kansas, like Iowa is one of those unique states that trophy hunters have on their bucket list. This gives you a chance to not only check Kansas off of your bucket list but to do so on incredible property, managed for trophy bucks. Below is a picture of bucks that have come off of our properties the winner will be hunting.

The Winner will receive:
*5 day private land hunt.
*All Licenses, Lodging and Meals.
We would love to have you enter and hopefully someone from the Iowa Whitetail family will be our winner. Justt click the link above and then click the Kansas Hunt button on our homepage to enter. Thanks and Good luck.

Last year we started a new Social Media site called for the purpose of giving hunters a place to go, where they didn't have to worry about their pictures and posts being censored or deleted by a bunch of California Silicon Valley Tree Huggers. We have a pretty cool site and have continued to gain users everyday. Lot's of friendly people and ton's of deer pictures and stories. This year we have decided that we will be giving away a bowhunt on my personal properties in Kansas as a promotion to get additional users. Skip says I am crazy for doing this on my own managed ground, but here we go.

It costs nothing to enter the drawing and you could win an incredible hunt on private managed property. Kansas, like Iowa is one of those unique states that trophy hunters have on their bucket list. This gives you a chance to not only check Kansas off of your bucket list but to do so on incredible property, managed for trophy bucks. Below is a picture of bucks that have come off of our properties the winner will be hunting.

The Winner will receive:
*5 day private land hunt.
*All Licenses, Lodging and Meals.
We would love to have you enter and hopefully someone from the Iowa Whitetail family will be our winner. Justt click the link above and then click the Kansas Hunt button on our homepage to enter. Thanks and Good luck.