I’m 10000% sure my population is down vs 5 years ago, by a good bit. Several areas and farms. I drive a lot of the state & countless miles in deer country. My anecdotal observation….. I’m convinced #’s across state, ON AVERAGE, are down. Is there pockets full of deer? SURE!! Pockets with hardly any deer? SURE! But on average- my opinion: down.
& remember folks- population around the 2003-2008- I think our population state wide is down something like 20%-ish, maybe more, in last 10-15 years. I’m ballpark in the range without looking back at the data. We are absolutely down double digits state wide vs a decade or so ago.
Hunters are a big part of this (the most) but…. EHD & COYOTES have a HUUUUUGGGGEEEE impact in population. Ehd speaks for itself. But I’ve seen countless areas where they quit shooting does, kept food up with good cover & the amount of fawnless does is bananas. Add on the deer the packs take down during season- 99.999% of folks have no clue the killing going on in the dark of night.