Buck Hollow Sporting Goods - click or touch to visit their website Midwest Habitat Company

2024 Buck - 7.5 years in the making…..


Staff member
Finally connected. I’ll make an incredibly long story short as it started 5 years ago when first saw him…. Passed for years.
2022 was a crazy year because he was 5 years old & passed him all season …. His sheds ended up being 207” with 18” spread. I never woulda passed that in past but I’m old & insane now + he was spindly. I just couldn’t do it. I was going to hunt him at 6.5 thinking he’d make a jump. He went down to high 80’s or 190” maybe. He was THIN! Passed him anyways. He shed in December & I kinda thought “he’s dunzo!”
This summer i picked up pics and his body weight had fully recovered and his rack was massive. He ended up being far bigger than what he was at 5.
He lived in tiny area of farm & knew the 10 acres he’d get shot in. He was by a neighboring fence & I figured those guys would actually get him & I was ok with that. I truly was.
Well- I stayed out as conditions weren’t so good. Others started hard. The deer immediately vanished. & he was gone for 2 weeks- not a peep or sighting - nothing. No clue where he was. I did, in my gut, believe he relocated. By this time I had sat an observation spot trying to find him. Nothing. Then - I planned out “3 areas” I thought he could possibly be in. Places mature bucks always are in and places far from people & pressure. My plan was to rotate 3 areas based on wind & when temps & pressure were right. 1st attempt of the 3 worked & got incredibly lucky.
Took my little man Charlie with. We were slowly starting to pack up about 30 mins before dark & I was planning spot #2 I’d try next. Sitting back waiting for the night to end & out walks a 3 Y/O. I look deep in the timber about 30 yards in and see a buck cautiously following him. Charlie immediately goes “IT’S HIM!!!!!!” Super cautious … he finally follows Buck out to where there were scrapes all over. Young Buck making scrapes & then he starts. He’s now 25 yards & facing right at me for a solid minute. 5 seconds of him turning broadside- DONE! Both lungs out quartering away. He went maybe 15 yards.
Insanity after that. My little man got to be with me and just stoked as stoked gets. Wild!!!!! Adrenaline!!!!! Brought him back…. 270 with guts, about 240 without. Since I don’t measure deer usually, let a few people play (I really don’t care but fun to know). It’s NOT about the ego or score or showing the pics- it’s truly about the experience & everything around this sport.
With that said… He’s somewhere in the high 220’s to low 230’s. But he’s 7.5, smart, hard as heck to find and one heck of a season having that luck all come together. With my boy. Great times. Wish this feeling & experience on everyone else. It’s so rare but we all know what these magic rare hunts are like & those that don’t- stick with it and of Course someday it will if put in the time & strategy (whatever your goals are or a great deer for your area). Love this sport & love that my main man is hooked on this like his dad. The deers name is FAKE NEWS & I can’t remember why bro named him that but Fake News is now finally done. Best wishes and enjoy this season whether it’s for a big one or even eating a tag- ENJOY IT!!!!!

Really enjoy the story behind the hunt. Especially the respect given to such as magnificent animal. Congrats to you! The best part is that you got to share it with someone that means more to you than every deer in the world. Special moment that can not be bought with any amount of money. True wealth is sharing that moment!
Congrats and thanks for sharing!! Even my wife looking over my shoulder said that’s a big one! Charlie got to see something only a few hunters ever will and that is awesome!! How far did he relocate?
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