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219" typical 16 point found dead....in iowa


I live in Carroll County, Ia and there is some buzz going around that a typical 16 point buck was found dead just south of coon rapids which is in my county. It was said to score 219" typical and i heard the dnr took it and now its going to court. Afarmer found it between two hay bales while he was moving them. I guess the dnr wouldn't give the farmer a transportation tag. Has anyone else heard anything or know the real story. I would love to hear it...........if its true or not.
why wouldnt the DNR give him tag, like road kill? Its his property?how did it die, any info on that would be nice,they may have taken it to check it for cause of death( balistic) ck. they can tell how long its been dead, and if shot with a rifel amounts of lead in the blood.or just to ck for natural causes. keep us posted.
The Salvage tag is for meat. The salvage tag says right on it that it is not for antlers or taxidermy. Obviously the meat would be no good. It is definitely a coin flip on calling the DNR because they aren't going to let you keep the antlers.
I work at the county courthouse where the buck was found and when I saw the DNR officer I asked him about the buck and he said he had it in back of his truck so being a deer hunter I had to take a look. The buck is said to gross 215" non typical and net around 205". He is basically a 12 pt typical which I guess to score in the mid 180's with only 3 non-typical points coming off the inside of the main beam, they are long non typical points though. Heck of a buck!! DNR said a high power bullet was found in the buck. I would say it couldn't been dead more than 3-4 weeks as the skin was still in fair shape. I know the farmer who found the deer and I wouldn't think he would poach it but I use to hunt around there and there are alot of road hunters in the area and I always heard high power shots in the evenings when I was sitting in my bow stand.
thank you hornhntr for clearing up all that stuff. do you know if there was any pictures of the deer? Like i said i just heard bits and pieces. i bet it was quite a sight to see that deer. being from carroll county and crawford county i understatnd about the road hunters, seems there are a lot of them around those parts, its really too bad, and too bad if that big buck was high powered. Thanks again
If i were a buck, id be the most dominant buck you'd ever seen.....
and id score in the 240 range with 60 inches of mass....

cant touch this
Yeh, it doesn't make sense. But I saw on one of the Drury shows where they found a huge buck dead while they were shed hunting and they called the DNR and were given a tag to keep it. I guess the reason why they don't give you a tag is that you could have been the one to illegally kill it and let it lie and then months or weeks later call the DNR and get a salvage tag so that you could keep it. My buddy found one dead during the shotgun season and calledthe local DNR and he told him if he wanted it so bad to use his shotgun tag to claim it. I believe the DNR just doesn't want to hand them out to easily because I believe that they think it would encourage people to kill the deer, let them lay and then try to claim them later.
I guess the reason why they don't give you a tag is that you could have been the one to illegally kill it and let it lie and then months or weeks later call the DNR and get a salvage tag so that you could keep it. I believe the DNR just doesn't want to hand them out to easily because I believe that they think it would encourage people to kill the deer, let them lay and then try to claim them later.

This is exactly my view of the situation.

My buddy found one dead during the shotgun season and calledthe local DNR and he told him if he wanted it so bad to use his shotgun tag to claim it.

I shot a septic buck during the 2007 season and called the CO since the meat was not fit for consumption. I was told not to tag it and they would come get it. I asked what about the rack and was told that if I wanted the rack, to tag the buck.

The Salvage tag is for meat. The salvage tag says right on it that it is not for antlers or taxidermy. Obviously the meat would be no good. It is definitely a coin flip on calling the DNR because they aren't going to let you keep the antlers.

It seems to me that the salvage tag issue is open to a little CO interpretation and is not applied consistently around the state. As to calling the CO, you can bet your bottom dollar I'll be calling, as the last thing I would want to happen is to get busted for "poaching" by picking up a dead bucks rack, then loose the privilege of hunting. You might think you could hide such a big rack, but word travels.......
i love watching midwest whitetail shows on the internet and i am a big fan and appreciate the wonderful hunting footage they share with us, but if you watch the two shed hunting shows they are getting slavage tags left and right for dead bucks they are finding on their land. i understand that two of them they hit on film and didn't recover but there were others they got tags for. so do you think the dnr favors popular whitetail hunters more than the average joe when it comes to just giving out salvage tags for the rack??????????
absolutely not....

those deer on MW whitetail would have been confiscated if there was sign of foul play or poaching....

if that is the case, the deer is confiscated by the officer.

It is largely a case by case situation on returning the rack to the finder, but the DNR is NOT obligated to return the head.

This deer by Coon Rapids was poached, the folks that found it would like to keep it, but who's to say they were not involved in the poaching in the first place?

I think the DNR did the right thing and should hang onto it until all evidence has been gone through......
i grew up in coon rapids, but i am now off at college. i havent heard anything about this deer. i would like to know who the farmer was that found it as i might know him and be able to find out alot about this deer.
I found a nice rack buck dead while pheasant hunting, called the CO in my county he said put a bow tag on it or tell him where it was at so he could come get it.

This was before I started bow hunting so I went and bought a tag.

My thing is how much does this happens, and what does the DNR do with the racks?

This deer by Coon Rapids was poached, the folks that found it would like to keep it, but who's to say they were not involved in the poaching in the first place?

I think the DNR did the right thing and should hang onto it until all evidence has been gone through......

I really don't mean to fan the flame or anything but.... I've had this question before and been faced with finding a big buck and not knowing what to do. In my situation it got taken by the dnr. :mad: Pissed me off. My point is that, you say "who's to say they weren't involved in the poaching", but who's to say they were??? Doesn't our country kinda have an "innocent until proven guilty" thing going on. I have no idea how you would prove it was them, but you can't tell me it was. Finders keepers I think, unless someone wants to bring forth some evidence. The fact that the DNR takes so many of the racks is the reason so many people will never call them in good faith. I just feel like maybe more criteria should be set up.
Another question I have is, what happens to all these confiscated racks? I know they aren't all in the DNR's booth at shows. Where do they go? Not trying to imply anything.
to me it seems like the dnr doesn't care about the deer unless its a huge one that they can get recognition for. a couple of you said that you have found deer and the dnr said to just put a tag on it if you want it. like they don't want to waste their time to go look unless they hear its a monster then they are all over it. i don't know it just sounds like they pick and choose when it comes to dead deer. i'm not saying any of the guys at midwest whitetail poach, and i would never say that, but who is to say that the other deer they found weren't poached by someone else from the road or something. So that is why i feel the CO favors well known hunters, he didn't even question the deer, he just said ok i will get you the transportation tag. i quess that is my opinion, my point is, unless its a huge buck, dnr gives to craps less about it.
For me, whether the deer is a spike, forkie, 2.5 yr old 8 or a gagger NT, if I didn't shoot it during a legal, ethical hunt, I could care less about it. It's just bone; bone I didn't shoot and thus have no claim to. The DNR can confiscate them all and grind them for compost as far as I care. ;)
JNRBRONC, then what about sheds? You didn't shoot any of those deer either. Do you feel like you wouldn't have a claim on sheds you find? Seems the same to me? But no DNR officer can ever make a claim on sheds in the same fashion.
JNRBRONC, then what about sheds?

Sheds and poaching have about a zero percent corollary. ;)

I'm not an avid shed hunter, only going out once or twice a year. Plus, sheds are kind of catch and release deer hunting. Nice to find if I happen to stumble across them......
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