Bottom line guys, and there is no sense in arguing about who should keep the deer...
The head with the antlers attached is a part of the evidence! Fact
The deer was Poached. Fact
The DNR has no obligation to surrender the deer head to the finder. Fact
Example. If an alleged drug dealer is arrested under suspicion (assuming he is innocent until proven guilty), all paraphaneilia (SP) and weapons are confiscated, and we can presume he is innocent until PROVEN guilty, should the alleged drug dealer be given back his gun and crack pipe until they can prove his guilt? NO, of course not.
In this case, there is too much evidence in question to return the head to the "finder", the stories have too many gaps and holes in it to assume total innocence.... however, after the investigation is complete, the "finder" could get the head back, but that would be a good-will gesture by the IDNR as they have no obligation to do so.
an animal this big is entitled to being honored as a remarkable deer. So it will most likely not get cut up and auctioned off, but rather mounted and hung up in a Conservation Education Center with a brass plate stating WHO found it (giving credit where credit is due) and having it available for all to see.
Im with Randy on this one, I would NEVER mount a head i did not kill, i find it pointless and not for me. IMO.
If you smoke a big deer with your car and it is evident that it was not poached, most DNR officers would prlly give you a salvage tag as the meat could still be edible.... a deer that has been dead for 3-4 weeks is not edible and the law states that a salvage tag is not for taxidermy purposes.
But by following the rules and contacting an officer, i think most would allow the finder to keep the head if no foul play is suspected.