Thank you sofaking, someone finally sees my point.
I guess I can see both sides of the argument...I certainly have nothing against anyone that takes a skull home that they had no "foul dealings" with. However, you can't have your cake and eat it too. I live in Wisconsin where it is legal to possess any bucks skull once the scavangers have fed on the carcass. No need to call a CO or get a tag. So what's to stop a would be poacher from poping every good buck he sees and come collecting his pile of racks come spring time or a week later for that matter. Nothing really, it's all legit. Iowan's are fortunate to live and hunt in a top tier whitetail state that has this regulation set in place to help curb poaching, and I have a hard time seeing that as a bad thing. Laws and regulations tend to only affect the law abiding, stand up citizens which is a bummer but states need to regulate things of this sort so when a poacher (or someone with a bunch of untagged racks) is caught they have a case and can prosecute. Just my .02 $
All the DNR cares about is big racks. Plain and simple. Just like the whole farmers shooting deer with rifles deal. Not even going to get started with that one.
I for one called the DNR two years ago on opening day of Pheasant season because at 8:00 AM I found a dead button buck with a small bore rifle hole through both shoulders and was still fresh. (Probably within an hour or so of being shot as no rigor mortis had set in) I told the officer that I had found a dead buck shot within a couple of hours and wanted to report it. He asked where I was at, I told him, he said he would be there shortly, then before he hung up he says how big a buck was it. I told him just a button buck, his resonse then was we are kind of busy since pheasant season opened today but I will get down there sometime today. I came back by the spot at least 3 times that day and was in the area the whole day and never once seen a CO officer. So that does tell me that size does matter to the DNR.