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22 mag


New Member
I am thinking about a new 22 mag. , looking at the Savage Bolt Action clip fed w/accutrigger or a Marlin Bolt Action Tube fed.

Any comments would be great!!!
The .22 WRF is my go to firearm when calling raccoon, it puts the smack on them hard. It is however fur friendly if you are selling the hides.

The .22WRF also works real good when calling fox and coyote within 100 yards.

I shoot a Ruger, but I don’t think you can go wrong with a Savage that has an acc-u-trigger.
I have the bolt action savage in a .17HMR and I really like the gun. Cant speak for the marlin though.

I would just think clip-fed would be faster and easier than tube-fed, and that accu-trigger is sweet!
BTW it's not a 'clip'...it's a magazine. An M-1 Garand uses a 'clip'. Savage makes a great rifle.
My Bad
I knew no one would have the Savage in Lefthand but I thought I would call and get some prices and get it on order.
I like dealing with Sportsmans Warehouse in Ankeny, called 12/24/11 said the gun manager was not there but would call me 12/15/11 with a price, by 3pm no call so I called them back and the gal on the phone said they are taking no special orders till mid-Jan..

I would think that is crappy business sense????? I asked her " Boy, I would think that would hurt business with Bass Pro only a few miles away?" She said "No not one bit."

I have talked to three gun shops not one has said "Can we order that for you?" They just say "We don't have that model."

Maybe be I need a new hobby??? Is it time for me to get a FFL License ?????????
I had a Marlin, and it would never hold zero. Not sure what happened there. Just a bad apple maybe? I also have a Marlin .22LR and the gun is super accurate.
I know people are blasting me for the magazine vs. clip, but they are not the same thing. It's best to call it what it actually is. We are talking about magazines in this case.
I knew no one would have the Savage in Lefthand but I thought I would call and get some prices and get it on order.
I like dealing with Sportsmans Warehouse in Ankeny, called 12/24/11 said the gun manager was not there but would call me 12/15/11 with a price, by 3pm no call so I called them back and the gal on the phone said they are taking no special orders till mid-Jan..

I would think that is crappy business sense????? I asked her " Boy, I would think that would hurt business with Bass Pro only a few miles away?" She said "No not one bit."

I have talked to three gun shops not one has said "Can we order that for you?" They just say "We don't have that model."

Maybe be I need a new hobby??? Is it time for me to get a FFL License ?????????

I've found a good majority of places to have this attitude. If they don't have it they seem to not want to go above and beyond to get it for you. Not like ordering a gun for a customer is that hard?

Gun stores must be selling guns and ammo like crazy to not want extra business.
He called the $hit, Poop.............:D

If memory serves me correctly this picture is not accurate with the quote. I believe he is either blabbing to the penguin or the guy who takes over the company, but the "he called the $hit, poop" quote definitely happens outside. I'm kind of an old Adam Sandler fan haha
If memory serves me correctly this picture is not accurate with the quote. I believe he is either blabbing to the penguin or the guy who takes over the company, but the "he called the $hit, poop" quote definitely happens outside. I'm kind of an old Adam Sandler fan haha

You are correct! It's actually when they put the flaming back of poo on the old mans porch and they are hiding in the bushes after the old man stomps out the fire! :way:
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