Well-Known Member
Breaking a law is breaking a law, but there are different degrees . Does everyone take a watch out and check every minute to make sure when hours are up? To me,,out shinning after dark, and hunting is worse than hunitng 5 minutes after hunting hrs. Saw some doing that last gun season.I know, I know,,if first it is 5 minutes then, someone will try 10, then an hr,etc. I once saw a pickup full of guys rifle shoot a buck at 4 in the afternoon, out of the truck, during bow season, in MI. Now that,,,is poaching! Shooting hrs are no problem with me. I hate hunting evenings, fading light,,my eyes are bad,, and I hate looking for blood in the dark.Rarely hunt evenings. Usually spook deer coming out , gettin down,too. Mornings,,usually cannot see a thing, until "Legal" shooting hrs anyway. And I have my own rules. I will not risk a shot when I cannot see good.