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.243 ammo

I just bought a .243 and I'm wondering what the best ammo you guys have found to use for coyote? Its a Remington 770. And yes I'm sure that there are pleanty bad things to say about the gun, but I was on a tight budget and this is all I could swing. I made do with what i had. I was wondering if anyone out there had any experience with this gun and what round shoots the best. Brand of round and grain. Like I said this is mainly a coyote gun, and I'm looking to get maximum yardage efficiency. Let me know what you guys think will be my best bet.
Your gun selection will be fine the coyotes don't care what make and model. As far as bullets I shoot 80 gr federal but just shoot something that is easily accessible in your area and practice with it.
I shoot the hornady superformance in 95gr for deer & antelope. For coyote I'd step down to the 55gr and go from there. It's really accurate in my Rem 700 ADL.
check out winchesters 95 grain ballistic tips. for factory ammo it is very accurate from my 2 rifles
I wouldn't use ballistic tips if you are going to do something with the pelts from the coyotes. Don't think you will need a heavy bullet for yotes but for now get what you can find. Natchez Shooting has some .243 in stock. Have you checked with Boyd on here?
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We never have don't anything with coyote pelts. Most around here are full of mange. Every once in a while we will get a pretty one. I haven't checked with him actually.
if I'm shooting them for the pelt I use my .17 Remington centerfire shooting a 20 grain Berger at the speed of light, have very very few exits.
my go to coyote gun is my 25-06 screaming a 115 grain combined technologies ballistic tip.
the reason I suggested the 95 grain bullet is because I've seen very few rifles that will shoot the 55 grain bullets well.
Also this may be a dumb question but here goes. What difference, If any, is there between .243 ammo and .243 WIN? I've heard the same about 55 grain from others. Also I don't have many large ammunition dealers around so it wouldn't be something readily available. Again sorry for the dumb question but this is all a new thing for me. Much more specific round choice then just slamming some 00 buck in to the trusty Mossberg like I've always done.
My go to coyote gun is a 9mm hi point carbine with 115 gr hollow points no exit hole and without blood no noticeable entrance hole and it folds them like an accordion.
It may be tough to find a 55 or 60 gr. bullet that will shoot very well out of a .243, but most any .243 can shoot a 70 gr. nosler up to a 95+ grain bullet well. I've had great luck with federal ammunition shooting 85 gr. sierra blitzkings boat tail hollow points. Terrible on pelts though.

I also do reloading and have found that my best rounds are around that 85 grain mark. I really like the 87 grain Hornady V-max bullets.
I shoot the 75 grn hornaday v-max moly out of my remington 742 deadly out to 300 yrds don't tear up the pelts either. I handload using Hodgdon 4350 powder
You will be better off going with a medium heavy for cal. bullet in the 80-95 grain ballpark. They are not so explosive & designed more for deer size game and will not tear up pelts so bad. The heavier bullet will hold the wind better also. Don't fall for the high velocity = better long range performance hype. It don't work that way. A bit heavier bullets will handle all the range you will need hunting coyotes. All guns & barrels are different & what ammo one likes the next may not. Get a handful & try them out at the bench & see what your gun likes best... or if you don't have enough time consuming, money gobbling addictions to deal with in your life, get into reloading your own. :D:D:D
HorseDoctor said:
You will be better off going with a medium heavy for cal. bullet in the 80-95 grain ballpark. They are not so explosive & designed more for deer size game and will not tear up pelts so bad. The heavier bullet will hold the wind better also. Don't fall for the high velocity = better long range performance hype. It don't work that way. A bit heavier bullets will handle all the range you will need hunting coyotes. All guns & barrels are different & what ammo one likes the next may not. Get a handful & try them out at the bench & see what your gun likes best... or if you don't have enough time consuming, money gobbling addictions to deal with in your life, get into reloading your own. :D:D:D

^^^^^^^^ What he said.

I have had the best luck with 100 grain BTSPs and cheap Remington 80 grain SPs out of my ruger. If you're not worried pelts, your options are pretty well endless.
I hand load a 70 grain nosler ballistic tip with 36 grains of varget. Very deadly on coyotes with not to much damage but I really don't worry to much about that!
I went to Wal-Mart in Knoxville today and they had a couple boxes of Winchester 100 gr. So I went ahead and bought them. May not be the beat round but it sure beats sitting at home with nothing. Heading out tomorrow to see how it shoots.
I went to Wal-Mart in Knoxville today and they had a couple boxes of Winchester 100 gr. So I went ahead and bought them. May not be the beat round but it sure beats sitting at home with nothing. Heading out tomorrow to see how it shoots.
Good luck!

I had a .243 that shot lights out. Loved that rifle..... Then it was stolen.

Been long enough ago now I don't remember what I was feeding it, but know it wasn't anything special.
i used to use 65 grn vmax. way too destructive on coyotes, and damn near rips a fox in half. switched to 70 psp. i get mine from clover ridge reloads, at the dsm gunshows
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