There will be one.....when and how much is the unknown.........Like the stock market when everyone says this is the new norm of high prices and it can only go up a big correction happens........we are now seeing the big firms Goldman sachs, Amazon, Twiiter, Cisco, Fedex....etc. laying large amounts of people off. This will come to small town America in time.
Imagine what would happen it a War broke out between two major counties.
Bluedog above mentioned “roaring 20’s” & what we went through in 1930’s. Spot on. That cycle has actually happened countless times over & over. Maybe to different extents but it always happen. It’s gonna happen again just like above. Spot on…. Certain sectors of the market are starting to have pain.
Will there be dudes with huge bank accounts & majorly wealthy who can buy? Absolutely. It was even the case in the 1930’s…. Most the country was in the toilet (as if joe Biden had been running things for a decade & things crashed at insane levels) BUT - there was still that top 5% who had $ & a % of that with STUPID $!!! & those rich folks who did buy things up then became more insanely rich when market rebounded.
I’ve been through 3 cycles when it was down, personally when I was buying land (or sellIng/swapping)…. After 9/11 it tanked. & some cattle folks in big trouble. It slowly came back & peaked in 2007…. 2008- it crashed again. Slowly came up….. rec stayed somewhat flat while tillable BLEW UP in price in 2014 or so….. rec steadily kept going up- slowly. THEN….. around 2015-2019… . tillable started sliding way back. It softened up north & in southern iowa it became majorly discounted.
Then the final or most recent BOOM….. tillable went from “soft” to INSANE!!!! Huge rapid spike in price. Rec went from stable to massive increases in a 1.5 year period. Both exploded.
So that’s 3 times in 20 years I’ve seen. 80’s had a HUGE change in value. 90’s were not a cake walk.
Every decade you go back, u will see a a run up and a pull back. Some worse than others and some decades multiple ups and downs.
We have another coming. There will always be dudes with huge bank accounts. Or corporate $ or rich investors. Always. But- it’s more of the “average guy” with middle of the road $ who actually dictates the price more so than the rich. Rich folks: prop the market up from tanking when it gets bad. Or they will drive up prices up to new records….. but they don’t dictate the prices. It’s the guys from the bottom 1 to 80% that actually create a rush in prices or a crash in prices. Those are the folks people need to pay attention to. When they have trouble- the land market will have trouble. When the economy as a whole tanks or grain prices dip hard- that 1 to 80% class of folks will have problems and the market will retreat. If the rich do get hit hard in a deep recesssion- that’s when price crashes happen as the rich have to pause for a while. Some level of correction is coming just like it has for any time in history. Just don’t know when & if it’s a correction or a crash. Most likely correction but always have it in your head “can I handle it & what do I do if there’s a true crash?” (Buy more would be ideal answer
But- back on point- u able to buy land and find what u want & can do it…. DO IT!!!!!