Life Member
Ok if you lease land for that amount and a trespasser is found on that property can you go after him for loss of a hunt or lost income from the leased land ??Wow would make you think twice before trespassing !
With $30,000 a year you could make payments on a real nice farm in Iowa, wow, crazy, I'd take the ownership over leasing any day!
No kidding. 30 grand would be a 50 % down payment on a pretty sweet quarter section anywhere near me.
No kidding. 30 grand would be a 50 % down payment on a pretty sweet quarter section anywhere near me.
Must not be ground capable of producing an average corn or soybean crop on even half of it, cause if you could it'd pay for itself in 2 or 3 years.
How you gonna get to it without trespassing? Parachute or zip line?
Mobile Cooter using IW
Party hunting, know a few from MO that come up here every year on a doe tag and shoot a buck.That's what I was thinking. They have to using a loophole to get antlered tags.
Mobile Cooter using IW