Buck Hollow Sporting Goods - click or touch to visit their website Midwest Habitat Company

4 Point Disappointment

For me, not at all. One buck a year is fine for me, that would not bother me one bit. I've been in IA my whole life and have never shot more than one buck in a fall. For me its the dream of one day owning my own piece of ground. You open things up to NR and rec prices will undoubtedly go up and push that dream even further down the road. It will also make access to private ground much more difficult for residents.
FWIW, I have been a landowner for 20'ish years and I am not sure if I have ever even taken 2 bucks in a year, but I am sure that I have never taken 3. I know many other LO's in a similar spot...I really don't think cutting the number of bucks allowed per year would have any meaningful impact...but that is just my opinion.

That being said...the many people that I know who have moved to Iowa related to deer hunting, did so to be able to experience the rut, with a bow in hand, and have a good chance at a mature/big buck. Something that is largely missing from so many other states.
The aspect that is missed in this discussion is farmers and deer numbers. Most of the local farmers I have met in Iowa are very nice people, but many do not want hunters to pass deer.

They seem to want to lower the deer population (at least in the areas I have hunted). Deer numbers are high and we try to take a few, but they think it is "nuts" that more tags are not available at least for does. We all tend to think about discussions from our angle, but the farmers have a legitimate concern in many parts of the state, deer are very hard on their crops/income.

The current tag situation only makes this situation worse, EHD is also a possibility in areas with high deer numbers. This all has to be factored in, and I know the legislature hears this concern every year. Farming is a much bigger business in Iowa, than hunting.
The aspect that is missed in this discussion is farmers and deer numbers. Most of the local farmers I have met in Iowa are very nice people, but many do not want hunters to pass deer.

They seem to want to lower the deer population (at least in the areas I have hunted). Deer numbers are high and we try to take a few, but they think it is "nuts" that more tags are not available at least for does. We all tend to think about discussions from our angle, but the farmers have a legitimate concern in many parts of the state, deer are very hard on their crops/income.

The current tag situation only makes this situation worse, EHD is also a possibility in areas with high deer numbers. This all has to be factored in, and I know the legislature hears this concern every year. Farming is a much bigger business in Iowa, than hunting.
As someone who works in the AG industry and works one on one with farmers I can tell you that they think ONE deer is too many!!! And also as someone who rides in combines all fall long while harvesting, i would say over half of damaged done to corn is caused by raccoons and turkeys, its pretty easy to tell.

I would also say that deer numbers are good here in IA but I would not say "high". I would bet if deer were able to spread out(not possible because of low amount of cover statewide) but if they were you would not see the deer numbers be high as in deer per square mile.
I did shoot three bucks in a year a couple of times, years ago. Been limiting myself to 1 the last couple of years. Haven't picked up the free LOT for maybe 4 years now. Been leaving that on the table in case my spouse wants to join on a hunt/season, it keeps things flexible.

I've heard of guys getting booted off a farm for "trophy hunting" only and not taking does the farmer wanted shot.

I'm not sure the Kansas model will really fit here. Seems like to get there we'd have to concede about everything. Then what is left?
I believe KS is far less populated. Ton of folks in KC area that might skew the #’s some. Way lower populations- Especially as move west. & the state has deer through out the whole state. Unlike iowa where it’s tucked on edges (NE, E, SE, SC, SW & W) - other areas are pretty bad…. No deer, no cover & chance at big deer very slim
KS is spread out without as many hot spots as iowa- good hunting state wide. KS also has not been pushing 20-30 celebrity tags to reach millions for decades. Yes- we know it’s good but when u talk to any out of stater - they think of iowa as the holy grail. Which - based on celebrity TV hunts- is true!! Huge farms done right. They think the whole state is like that.

KS has tons of walk on land across the state. Every county I’ve been in. We lack for that in iowa vs KS. I don’t think KS management is as good as Iowa’s. When I was there- most residents were infuriated at “selling the state out” over the last 15 years. Politicians played games like getting tags for Land owners to sell or auction off for example. KS is vast &
Sparsely populated & with a late rifle season - that alone will keep it top tier for older deer.
I don’t believe we could keep iowa the way it is if we adopted KS regs. Maybe if we could magically double or triple the amount of timbered acres.
last- in places like SC Kansas- I know a handful of residents that are bummed that a lot of land & ranches is being sold to folks from TX, LA, OK, etc. they are dealing with some access issue for sure.
With all this said- KS is my next favorite state. Smokes MO & NE!!!! Late gun season & limited on how many bucks can shoot- I think one??? I’ll take KS, OH & IA over most any other states. Why others don’t mimic these 3 states in mind boggling

I do think most counties with deer #’s offer plenty of deer tags. So many in iowa That a lot of counties don’t sell out.
Agree on coon & Turkey damage ….. those coons are laughing their butts off on how the deer are getting all the blame!! They are crop destroying lil devils!!
The aspect that is missed in this discussion is farmers and deer numbers. Most of the local farmers I have met in Iowa are very nice people, but many do not want hunters to pass deer.

They seem to want to lower the deer population (at least in the areas I have hunted). Deer numbers are high and we try to take a few, but they think it is "nuts" that more tags are not available at least for does. We all tend to think about discussions from our angle, but the farmers have a legitimate concern in many parts of the state, deer are very hard on their crops/income.

The current tag situation only makes this situation worse, EHD is also a possibility in areas with high deer numbers. This all has to be factored in, and I know the legislature hears this concern every year. Farming is a much bigger business in Iowa, than hunting.

I also work with farmers daily. Am in the field daily. See deer daily. Live in Iowa year round. We are not over populated by any means, your loess hills areas is not over populated either.

Like stated before; racoons and turkeys do far more damage to the crop. Have you ever noticed a deer eating a corn cob off the stalk before? They don’t knock the plant down to get that cob, they merely pick it from the stalk. So when you’re seeing crop circles flatted to the ground, that’s not from the deer………..
I also work with farmers daily. Am in the field daily. See deer daily. Live in Iowa year round. We are not over populated by any means, your loess hills areas is not over populated either.

Like stated before; racoons and turkeys do far more damage to the crop. Have you ever noticed a deer eating a corn cob off the stalk before? They don’t knock the plant down to get that cob, they merely pick it from the stalk. So when you’re seeing crop circles flatted to the ground, that’s not from the deer………..

Now I’ve heard it all! During the next session explain to the legislators that it’s not deer eating the corn it’s raccoons! See how they respond.

…you know more about the deer population in my section that I do ?
During the next session explain to the legislators that it’s not deer eating the corn it’s raccoons! See how they respond.
The majority of legislators don't look at the damage, they are listening to what they are being told by lobbyists. Whether those lobbyists represent the Farm Bureau, the firearms sellers, the crossbow sellers or the outfitters/deer hunt sellers, they have a vested interest in their agenda that might not be best for the management of natural resources. JMHO (ok, maybe not so humble ;) )
Now I’ve heard it all! During the next session explain to the legislators that it’s not deer eating the corn it’s raccoons! See how they respond.

…you know more about the deer population in my section that I do ?

You’re digging yourself a bigger hole and sounding like even more of a fool. You better phone a friend and check on your sources.”, because yes Racoons are just as guilty for crop damage as deer.

And yes I know about western iowa. I’m an iowa resident, remember?

you became an expert on western iowa because you got sick of not being able to draw a tag to hunt your farm in union county. How long you owned your western iowa farm? Couple years and your an expert.
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You’re digging yourself a bigger hole and sounding like even more of a fool. You better phone a friend and check on your sources.”, because yes Racoons are just as guilty for crop damage as deer.

And yes I know about western iowa. I’m an iowa resident, remember?

you became an expert on western iowa because you got sick of not being able to draw a tag to hunt your farm in union county. How long you owned your western iowa farm? Couple years and your an expert.
throwing in my 2 cents on the raccoons, YES, they damage way more corn than deer do in my area as well, and we have very good deer numbers on my farms.
Here’s the bottom line. This isn’t about Iowa deer hunting. It’s about Iowa trophy hunting with a bow. Period. The residents who claim allowing more nrlo tags will increase nr landownership are being disingenuous. You already own land. The limited tags give the perception that Iowa is the place to go and its causing increased real estate prices. You guys are pricing out yourselves. Again most already own and it’s the annual nrlo talking points crap. I don’t have a coon problem either. Lol.
I’m very rational. I see what it’s about. Trophy bow hunting for residents. You are are selling residents out who want to own land one day. You don’t care about your own. Selfish. Some of you should run for office they way you spin things. But you’ve all made me a wealthy guy, and my kids. Thank you.
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