5/6 year old bucks (typically how big is the core area)


It is going to be a good fall!
Since we do not get that many 5 and 6 year old bucks in MN, I would like to get some feedback on typical core area of an older buck in Iowa. How many acres are we talking, I know it can depend on the buck, but some guidelines from experience. I know they obviously stray during the rut, any feedback would be appreciated.
Aahhh, you have come to the right place Grasshopper! This is something that I have paid close attention to over the years, with the idea of gaining a thorough understanding of the habits and wiles of the older bucks in our neighborhood and I can conclusively say that after years of observations, trail cam study and note sharing with neighbors that...it depends! :)

Seriously, if there is one thing that I have learned is that each buck is different and that there is a significant variation in how each deer uses his home range. BUT...there does tend to be very consistent year-to-year similarities as to where a given buck will be spending the majority of his time during a particular time period of the year. I think some of the older bucks spend > 90% of their time in an area of say 100 acres or so, in some cases, less than that. Although they may move seasonally to an adjacent area for an extended period in some cases. But mainly, they are homebodies for the most part.

Other bucks range over 600+ acres somewhat commonly. I have been fascinated through the years as we have compared trail cam pics with neighbors to see for instance, that some bucks essentially never show up on the farm to our east, but are also on the farm to our immediate north on an almost daily basis, yet there is only a few hundred yards separating them. Once we establish those ranges by comparing pics, etc, there is rarely a time when the deer "changes it up" and starts appearing on ground that he hasn't been on in the past. In other words, there is a pretty good amount of "definition" on those territories, but it is apparently up to the whims/tendencies of that given buck as to where he goes and doesn't go...as there is no identifiable reason for him to "limit" himself.
I guess I have read around 80-120 acres, I know it can vary. If you have the right cover of course--it helps too.
We have noticed that they shrink down the core area once they really get to that 6.5+ year old. Not only that but they seem to move a lot more during daylight hours....
When my neighbor and I share pics, we almost always have to same pics of the runts and never had the same pic of anything mature. Thought there was a case of a distant sighting from the stand. I only have 100 acres and they are around 300 I guess. Interesting for sure.
With the age.... Depends on: Personality + Farm Terrain/cover/food & deer density..... for example: aggressive and not a lot of great bedding OR the thin timber, wide open/lack of cover - lower deer population..... Big territory- i'd say 500-600 acres, maybe more.
On other extreme, see this every year..... I've got a few pockets that are MAYBE 30-50 acres and the older bucks who end up with dominance almost never leave them. Including rut. Year in, year out, mature bucks fight for the same turf over and over and over & it's only gonna hold so many of em. When that's their home, I got a couple locations with a few different stands I can kill em out of. Go 500 yards further and I'm 99% sure I'll never see em over in XYZ location.

The WORST scenarios I've ever seen, we probably all have.... Summer pics of MATURE BUCKS and come October, they are GONE. Often times, IMO, to go find that core little 30-50 acre pocket they end up dominating. I have seen some bucks on my farm be consistent at "XYZ" spot all summer (food reasons, in bachelor group, get along with other bucks, lots of extra cover like weeds & corn, etc) and come October-ish, boom, they relocate to another area and stay there all season long. Why I wanna have as much thick nasty bedding as possible, seclusion, areas that don't get messed with, thermal cover, nearby food, etc. If bucks get run off or relocate, I personally wanna stay the heck out of the prime areas and make sure they can go there and make it home & feel safe (until it's too late hopefully! :) )
What the others have said. The 6 1/2 year old last year I don't think ever left a 120 ac. There was a 4 1/2 that was always around till the older buck ran him off. He was here in July as a 5 1/2 and has disappeared since.
What the others have said. The 6 1/2 year old last year I don't think ever left a 120 ac. There was a 4 1/2 that was always around till the older buck ran him off. He was here in July as a 5 1/2 and has disappeared since.

I have that issue right now on my farm in Iowa, some bullies running off bucks, unfortunately it is the wrong antler size (staying put). One was shot last year, we have to take out 1 or 2 more--I think--we have not checked most recent cams.
I have that issue right now on my farm in Iowa, some bullies running off bucks, unfortunately it is the wrong antler size (staying put). One was shot last year, we have to take out 1 or 2 more--I think--we have not checked most recent cams.

I have definitely seen cases where the dominant buck was not the one with the best set of antlers. In years past we have also had cases where there was more than one "bully on the block" and while they were trophies in their own right, they topped out in the 145" category...while affecting deer that had 20"-30" more in the antler department.
I've had one buck stick around since at least 2011, when he was probably at least 4.5, although I have yet to see a pic this year, so not sure he is still with us this year. I have pics of him on 3 sides of the farm (160 acres), and have seen him on 2 of those sides and across on the neighbor's ground. I usually run cameras from August to April, but most if not all pics of him are in October, November, and February/March. I'm not sure how far he has ventured on the neighbors' ground. Haven't ever found a shed from him, but have had pics after he shed.