Buck Hollow Sporting Goods - click or touch to visit their website Midwest Habitat Company

6x6 mature?


PMA Member
Is this buck mature? Where the neck comes into the body and the size alone (regardless of rack) would lend itself to telling me it's "mature." Thoughts??

I think this buck would get an arrow...not a giant compared to some on here but very nice! :way: (I don't get these photos very often).

Fully mature is my guess. what a cow. Rack would look bigger if it was on a smaller body. Rack might surprise you when you score it.
All the characteristics of one, I'd say mature for sure. Great looking buck, good luck with him this fall.
From my personal experience the short G-2's are a good sign of a mature deer that is beginning his down hill slide. His body size and neck swell tell me he is a mature specimen quite ripe enough for picking. :D :way:
he should fill your freezer with alot of burger, you might have to boil him lol .........:drink2:
Looks mature to me....but, what exactly is considered mature?!?! ;)

Lol, jk.....great buck, mature buck, hope you get the chance to send an arrow his way! :way:
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