Trying out a new camera for this year. Snapped these pics on our farm tonight. No monsters but I think the pics came out nice. The deer are at about 100 yards. The one with longer brows is a 4 year old and the other is 3.
Those really are good looking photos. Those bodies on them guys look pretty large - they've been eating well. How big would you say the antlers are on that second buck? And how much more growing will happen from this point on?
Great pictures for sure! I'm always amazed at the difference in how deer react when they feel "safe" and when they don't.
In my neck of the woods it would be impossible to get a photo of a standing deer at 1/4 mile let alone a 100 yards....unless you can take a pic while driving 40 mph
I'm glad everyone doesn't have the same "problem" we have...
Im not sure what the bigger buck will end up scoring. Last year he was around 140. I could easily see him going 150s maybe a little more if he gets tines to match those brows. Right now his brows are about 9 inches. He has got pretty good mass as well. The other buck needs another year. He was a six point the last two years and finally has turned into an eight. These deer dont have any fear when they are on our place. They are secluded from all roads. Most of the time the deer just lay in the alfalfa and you can get within 50 yards of them in the summer. He will be a good one for my brother since he didnt draw an Iowa tag this year.
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