Limb Chicken
Active Member
It was like having Alice Nelson in the booth. A guy couldn't even set down a cold beer to give hand gestures about racks and such... :drink1:
Wow, some great memories. Many people that I didn't know before joining here are now friends that I talk to regularly. Other memories that come to mind are Vman taking a swim while participating in the "shoot standing in a canoe, at night, to a target across the pond" shoot (I seriously thought you were crying Jason), Ghost singing "Bowman the muffin man" a few hours after the 5 am owl hooting contest (still tipsy), Fallguy's "yard gnom" photo made by LimbChicken, and the look on LimbChicken's face when he found that his freshly opened beer had been cleaned up with the other bottles at the IW booth at the classic! I have so many IW memories that I can't put themall in one post.
It has been a great ride and although some old regulars aren't here anymore, we've added many more quality members to fill the gaps.
I hope we're still doing this 20 years from now!!:way: