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A few coyote Questions.....


New Member
What are the regulations for coyote, I dont see anything in the regs? Can you public hunt, anytime of year, with just a license?
I think you might need a fur liscence? Could be wrong. But its a open season, i too am curious if you can public hunt them considering most yote hunters use high powers
coyte is open 24-7 365 you can hunt them on just your hunting lic. with habitat. they can be hunted at day or night privet or public land with what ever you chose to shoot them with :)
Thanks guys, I think im going to start going once every other week! What is a good coyote call? I understand no electronics. Are the predator quest calls any good?
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Thanks guys, I think im going to start going once every other week! What is a good coyote call? I understand no electronics. Are the predator quest calls any good?

You can use electronic calls. It is all I ever use for coyote and crows. Foxpro is the best in my opinion for electronic calls.
coyte is open 24-7 365 you can hunt them on just your hunting lic. with habitat. they can be hunted at day or night privet or public land with what ever you chose to shoot them with :)

I may be wrong, but I don’t believe you can hunt coyotes at night with artificial light in Iowa.
Wish the dnr would allow artificial light to hunt coyote and fox at nite. Wonder what there reasoning is y they won't allow it? Too many opportunities for poachers if they did?
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