I own 2 blinds, and to be honest, they're both double bulls. One older and the other a matrix, and both are sweet blinds. But I also understand hunting on a budget. My partner is famous for watching for buys on blinds and gets cheaper, less known models...often for under $100. He probably has 6 or 8 of these with less money invested than I do on my two. Some of these are complete junk, but others I've hunted out of actually aren't too bad. I think the best advice I can give is to repeat what was said earlier...go find a store (or person) who has one set up and take a look at the clearance of your bow and bow arm. Think about where the arrow will be, etc. "Double Bull; end of story" is fine if you can afford one, but if not, there are plenty of $150 or less blinds on the market that you could bow hunt out of just fine. Good luck :way: