A lady walks into a sporting goods


New Member
store looking for a new rod and reel for her husband. Not knowing much about them she picked one and decided to ask the guy behind the counter about it. as she was walking up to the counter she noticed the guy was blind. Hesitantly she asked him what he could tell her about the rod and reel combo. He said to put it on the counter and he would tell her all he knew about it. She did as he said and he told her it was a Ambassadeur 5600cb reel and a XML rod. A good all around set and the price is $70. She said ok I'll take it. As he rang it up she reached in her purse for her check book but dropped it. As she bent over to pick it up she passed gas. Feeling embarassed she looked around to see if anyone had noticed, luckly there wasn't anyone else arouund and the clerk couldn't possibly know it was her.
When he was done ringing it up he said the total would be $87.50. Confused she said "but I thought you said it was $70?"
"I did" he replied "$70 for the rod and reel, $15 for the duck call, and $2.50 for the stink bait."
Re: A lady walks into a sproting goods

I'm betting she wrote the check out for 87.50. Most wimmens would!