As a vehicle to pay less taxes.....Not sure how that works.
Ya- some things in your statement I do understand. I assure you- paying less taxes is NOT one of them. Even if they write things off & in high tax bracket.... they are paying taxes on income from farm AND..... if we are talking 1,000 acres in eastern Iowa - there’s pretty much no less than $10,000 paid each year in property taxes alone - that’s if there’s no buildings.
The big picture - buying up of the land. This is concerning and I hear you. This is nothing new and I don’t know what a solution is. Do I blame the guys who have the ability and desire to do it??? NO. Do I blame people for being discouraged for accesss???? NO. I’ve been on both sides of this fence.
Deep down, here’s my gut opinion - right, wrong or indifferent on why a lot of this is going on....
1) I think a lot of guys see the madness with the regulations/weapons/seasons, more hunting pressure, more guys packed in woods and more guys wanting to sit on the fence of someone who manages (where it never happened before or when folks didn’t know a guys managed). Finding managed farms is getting harder and harder to find. Places where good genetic bucks aren’t killed as youngsters, balanced deer herd, habitat stuff, etc.
2) economy is strong “hunting land” is, in a sense, a “luxury item” (well, say a slice of timber. Yes, a bigger mixed farm does offer other benefits). Yes, it’s also an incredible investment but when the economy tanks- it’ll be the 1st to tank with it. U don’t “need” it to the degree u need food & shelter. It will slow just like: boat sales, furniture, remodeling, a new car. Nothing wrong with any of these but this trend will reverse if & when our economy has a set back. Or interest rates sky rocket.
3) Iowa is 5-6% timber. So little of it left- folks want to buy the “little” available that truly is good.
4) inevstement (isn’t worth $0 like some stocks or bankrupt companies have done and are just a piece of PAPER). Always grow food, Hunt, fish, live, survive on land. Always be worth something. If crap hits fan- see how far ur pieces of paper in stock get you or your bag of gold coins. I’d rather have land I can walk on and feed my family. Interest rates are low too.
This will run in cycles. I had no where to go or hunt. Public. I saved since I was about 14 for land. A little part of me feels “guilty“ for owning land. But- I share it and it’s going to my kids (& do all I can to raise them to appreciate it and be thankful & carry on legacy).
Life ain’t fair. This is another example. I get it, I really do. If u have any way of saving, working or doing anything to buy a 20, 40, 80- do it. You won’t regret it. It does run cycles so don’t ever let anyone tell u “ur too late- it’s all gone or it’s all a gazillion dollars an acre”. Never too late but never too soon to plan and try to do something. I been there & get where u coming from.