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A thing ive been doing for years


Well-Known Member
A cheap,safe way to get into stands.
For those that hunt mostly private ground out of portables of just a " perfecty" placed tree where you can stand on limbs (I know..) that's a lost aspect.

Cordless drill, a 1/2" drill bit , a bunch of 7" by 1/2" bolts. Pre drill your desired spacing, pound in the bolts and you have a permanent way to climb up.
Been doing it for 30 years. If theft of a stand or you need to hide your set up, drill 5/8" holes, about 3" deep, cut some copper water pipe 3" and pound them in the holes, insert your bolts and remove them and stash em at the base of the tree for next time.

You get the drift. Safe and incognito.
You can set up many trees for the price of a few climbing sticks.

Dang..., I can see it now..
Bomar hunting channel. Lol.
Haha nice! We used to use bolts and angle irons in the old days. I cringe thinking about our setups. I think I like my kids more than my dad liked me growing up, lol! Teaching my kids to ground hunt, I know, meow.
I used to buy those huge “nails” from Menards. This was like 25-30 years ago. Not super safe & they stay in tree but kinda funny what a broke kid will do to save some $.
Your idea is far better!!!!
Just did this yesterday setting up in a huge Burr Oak.

My days of screwing in steps are OVER!!

I grew up being a run n gunner. Can't imagine how many screw ins I've done?
Many hundreds.

Nice thing about what I described, even years later, clamp on a vise grip and they spin right out.
Older I get, the more I remember the simple thing I've learned along the way.
Being poor makes for ingenuity. Lol.
Another similar idea I use is half inch rebar cut to 9”. Use 5/8 or 9/16 (depends on desired snugness and if planning to remove set to set or year to year) drill bit on cordless drill and go in tree 4-5” and you have ready made steps. As BnB originally stated if in a theft area you can remove the rebar and stash near the base of tree. Wouldn’t suggest doing any of these in a walnut or other harvestable tree of value…
Ha, I used to walk the railroad tracks and pick up spikes to pound in with a 3 lb hammer. Not exactly a good run and gun method!
Before that, it was scrounging for and straightening old nails to pound through through whatever scrap board I could find to get up to a crotch in the tree where I would build my platform from the same material. The deer were pretty safe from me in those days, lol.
This post would have been very helpful 25 years ago!

I don’t miss those screw in steps & before good cordless drills were common.

My old man was a VERY passionate tree farmer. I once had to remove a small screw to hang my grunt tube 20’ up a homely black walnut that would have barely qualified for an 8’ saw log lol. I can still remember how mad he was :).
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