Buck Hollow Sporting Goods - click or touch to visit their website Midwest Habitat Company

Abby's 1st buck


Well-Known Member
It took me a LONG time to get one with actual antlers. He was eating acorns in a transitional area and she smashed him. Went 60 yards at the most.

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Congrats Abby. That buck has no idea how much trouble is about to come his way in that first picture.
Agree, it seems to be the norm the past couple years for Muddy! Nice pics too....

The problem will be when they all want a buck and start getting pickier and pickier... gunna need to find someone that has some hunker bucks running around.
Congrats Abby.
When they get picky youth season gets really hard! I've only got 2 kids and am thankful that they have not been picky. The way it's worked, my oldest has never shot a doe. His first opportunity was always at a buck. The youngest, has never shot a buck... His first opportunity was always at a doe.
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