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This site is being over-run with these things, and it should be very very concerning to the Resident Deer Hunters of Iowa. With all of the different bills that have this-n-that snipits about non-resident regulations it seems almost impossible that something isn't going to change.

We have to protect the current laws and regulations of this state or its resources (specifically wildlife) will be drastically changed in a short time. The land will be snatched up like mad, as well.

HF 117 HF 117, is a very bad thing for resident hunters. Changing the words NON RESIDENT to PERSON opens the flood gates.

It seems that the "friends of Iowa" and their outta state $$$ & lobbyist have a lot of backing and pull. This can't be good for us residents...at least not in my opinion.
<div class="ubbcode-block"><div class="ubbcode-header">Originally Posted By: turtL</div><div class="ubbcode-body">

It seems that the "friends of Iowa" and their outta state $$$ & lobbyist have a lot of backing and pull. This can't be good for us residents...at least not in my opinion.

Clearly true at this point. They've launched an all out offensive with the mentality that the constant barrage will seem there's a need for <u>some sort of change </u>. Once they get that, they'll work to evolve it into exaclty what they want. And they're intelligent in their approach, they pick out the bleeding hearts and find a route in. In the recent post about military folks being allowed tags, they picked Rep. Pettengill as the avenue. Why? Check out a few of her sponsored bills:

HR 164 A resolution to honor the 224th Combat Engineer Battalion of the Iowa National Guard for its service and sacrifice in the Iraq War.

HR 167 A resolution honoring the Iowa Army National Guard's 2168th Transportation Company for its service in support of the Global War on Terrorism.

HR 126 A resolution to honor the service of the 185th Air Refueling Wing, Iowa Air National Guard.

HR 117 A resolution honoring Sergeant Major (Select) Brad Kasal for his rare courage and inspiring sacrifice in the Iraq war.

HR 104 A resolution to honor the 224th Engineering Battalion of the Iowa National Guard for its service and sacrifice in the Iraq war.

HR 37 A resolution honoring America's Vietnam veterans.

...and so on. Now don't get me wrong here, there's some worthy resolutions above. I'm simply pointing out the intelligence level and committment the opposition has to get this sort of thing done. These people are not amateurs.
Thanks Iowabowtech,
I was wondering what dog she had in this race. She seems to be on a roll in getting Nonresidents in here.

I was wondering what else we can do to make sure all the hunters in Iowa are aware of what is going on? We are well informed because of this site but when I talk with other fellow hunters they are clueless.

Is the IBA putting anything out or does anyone know if any of our favorite Iowa magazines are going to do any articles.
Too be honest unless they get a barage of emails or phone calls we are just at their mercy because we will not have the numbers.
Something will get passed and then the doors are open.
I sometimes think they are forgetting that. They are supposed to be protecting and doing what is in the best interest of their people here in Iowa.

Whether they (our constituents) like it or not we the residents also either vote them in or out in the next election not the Non residents that they are trying to bring in.

BTW - Finally made my 1000 post. I gunning for you Thomas. /forum/images/%%GRAEMLIN_URL%%/cool.gif
<div class="ubbcode-block"><div class="ubbcode-header">Quote:</div><div class="ubbcode-body"> This site is being over-run with these things, and it should be very very concerning to the Resident Deer Hunters of Iowa.</div></div>

Sadly you'll find there's only a small percentage of our resident deer hunters who give a hoot enough to act on this stuff.

So take your Rolaids, man up, and do your part for yourself and the ones who won't. The minority will lead the majority as usual. You'll be one of the few who truely have the right to complain if things go the wrong direction. /forum/images/%%GRAEMLIN_URL%%/tired.gif
<div class="ubbcode-block"><div class="ubbcode-header">Originally Posted By: River Bttm Boy</div><div class="ubbcode-body"> <div class="ubbcode-block"><div class="ubbcode-header">Quote:</div><div class="ubbcode-body"> This site is being over-run with these things, and it should be very very concerning to the Resident Deer Hunters of Iowa.</div></div>

Sadly you'll find there's only a small percentage of our resident deer hunters who give a hoot enough to act on this stuff.

So take your Rolaids, man up, and do your part for yourself and the ones who won't. The minority will lead the majority as usual. You'll be one of the few who truely have the right to complain if things go the wrong direction. /forum/images/%%GRAEMLIN_URL%%/tired.gif </div></div>

I don't totally agree with that statement.

I believe a lot of them are misinformed.

Also it will affect all hunters not just deer hunters.
It will also affect trappers. Might even affect fishing in some ways. I do believe we are not the minority. Jusy my .02.
Think about it:
Timber ground goes for as little as $1500/acre
2 acres would be enough to qualify under this bill
so for $3000 you would get a family pass for free hunting, fishing and trapping FOREVER!
All of the legislation that is popping up reminds me of what has happened in IL. All of the constant barrage and finally the greed of some of the state officials completely demolished our DNR. Started small and ended with a bang as we basically have unlimited NR tags at this point. The deer hunting is still good but you wouldn't trade a hunting day in IA for a day in IL unless you were crazy.

I wish for the best for IA as I loved the hunting opprotunities that it provided when I lived there and look forward to coming back every 3 years and hunting. With all the pressure to change the regs I am not sure how much longer the state can hold on to its current laws, but I hope for the best for the residents.

<div class="ubbcode-block"><div class="ubbcode-header">Quote:</div><div class="ubbcode-body">does anyone know if any of our favorite Iowa magazines are going to do any articles.

Iowa Sportsman ?? "For Iowans By Iowans". What about it Thomas.

Also, what about the IBA or IW handing out some flyers to attendees at the Iowa Deer Classic in an effort to heighten the awareness of the uninformed hunters?? Can't think of a place where there is a larger concentration of hunters to contact.
<div class="ubbcode-block"><div class="ubbcode-header">Quote:</div><div class="ubbcode-body"> Iowa Sportsman ?? "For Iowans By Iowans". What about it Thomas.</div></div>

I'd have to pick up a subscription..... /forum/images/%%GRAEMLIN_URL%%/cool.gif
Don't really read to much about this stuff in hunting mags. Lets face it, they are full of advertisements for outfitters and businesses that will benefit from most of these proposed changes. I imagine they try to stay neutral for that purpose.
<div class="ubbcode-block"><div class="ubbcode-header">Originally Posted By: Skully</div><div class="ubbcode-body"> Don't really read to much about this stuff in hunting mags. Lets face it, they are full of advertisements for outfitters and businesses that will benefit from most of these proposed changes. I imagine they try to stay neutral for that purpose. </div></div>

So with all this Nonresident Agenda in our legislation changing our future in hunting are they still a magazine
"For Iowans By Iowans"?

They will still buy ad space. Need as much publicity as possible.
This is a very important issue and like anything you can complain and do nothing and let the chips fall where they may ( and the chips are gonna fall in a bad place if no one voices opposition) or do something and try to change the outcome. Public opinion does matter to our lawmakers and they just need to hear some voices from their constituants to become better educated on certain topics, and most have no idea when it comes to natural resource legislative issues. To simplify the process of taking action as much as possible I included a sample letter that you can copy and paste in the message section when you email your state reps. By no means do you have to use this letter, it is just a guidline to simplify the process. Also included is the website where you can get the name and contact info for your state rep and senator by simply putting in your address.
Sample Letter:

This letter is to ask you to not support HF117 regarding the issuing of deer tags to landowners considered "non resident". This bill, as it is currently written, will only hurt the recreational opportunities that Iowa residents currently have on private lands. It will open the gates to non resident land ownership that will in turn close the doors of hunting opportunities for Iowa residents. Managing Iowa's deer herd is important, and there are other options to increase harvest levels that would utilize resident landowners and resident hunters in general harvesting more deer rather than making non resident land owner tags automatic.

Legislator Contact Info:

Iowa Legislator Info

So go out and make some magic happen. It's like in voting: If ya dont vote, you cant complain about who wins.
Here you go: sent to my Senate and House reps in DSM.

<div class="ubbcode-block"><div class="ubbcode-header">Quote:</div><div class="ubbcode-body">Mr. Olive and Mr. Bailey:

This letter is to ask you to not support HF117 regarding the issuing of deer tags to landowners considered "non resident". This bill, as it is currently written, will only hurt the recreational opportunities that Iowa residents currently have on private lands. It will open the gates to non resident land ownership (due to the liberal acreage definition of a farm unit - only two acres) that will in turn close the doors of hunting opportunities for Iowa residents. Managing Iowa's deer herd is important and I believe preservation of land access for resident hunters is key to continued management of the deer herd in Iowa. Increases in non-resident tags will reduce land access for resident hunters due to increases in land tracts controlled by private landowners (primarily non-resident) and professional outfitter/guide businesses. Both of these interests will and are more concerned about raising and harvesting mature antlered bucks and less about adequate doe harvesting to control herd levels. There are other options to increase harvest levels that would utilize resident landowners and resident hunters in harvesting more deer rather than making non resident land owner tags automatic. Primarily, a program to match landowner depredation needs with hunters in need of recreational land access opportunities. This type program needs more organization and time in order to materialize it's full potential.

I appreciate your time and service to Iowa.

Enough for today - gotta get some work done now /forum/images/%%GRAEMLIN_URL%%/grin.gif
Just sent letters to my reps. And I do agree with the above statements; The Iowa Sportsman would be a great magazine to make people aware of the issues we are being faced with. "For Iowans, By Iowans" -What better way to show that you are for Iowa! Come on Thomas, get it done!
The IBA will have a flyer/handout at the Classic. By March 1st some of this stuff will go away and other stuff will take it's place.

PF & IBA work very closely and our two lobbyists talk daily this time of year. There are several groups in the Conservation Alliance, some are politically active and some don't want to make waves. Several groups have never taken the time to build a grassroots network. Email makes it so easy to keep people informed. CA members get the same weekly legislative updates the IBA get, Don Brazilton, our lobbyist, compiles this information. If you belong to sportsmen’s group and don't get information about what's happening at the statehouse, I'd be contacting your groups leadership and ask, "Why am I not getting information and updates".

Groups can only do so much. Individuals have got to stand up and let their voices be heard and I don't mean here at IW that's like preaching to the choir ( not many causal hunters on this site). Every one of us have friends that likes to sit back and do nothing. Now is the time to kick them square in the butt and say you're getting involved. It is sooooo much easier to sit back and do nothing. I’d much rather be sitting in a tree, looking for sheds, ice fishing, just about any thing rather writing or talking to a legislator. I do have a selfish agenda, with ten grandkids I’d like for them to have a few of the outdoor thrills and adventures that I’ve enjoyed. Of all the animals I’ve taken none were more exciting than watching two of my grandsons take their first deer.

On the IBA forum, at the top of page is a post on how to contact your legislator, just a couple posts below that is Blake’s post about effective lobbying. If you don't like a piece of legislation let the sponsors know how you feel. If you think Rep Pettengill is way off base let her know it. Her legislation has been filed; the next step is that it will go the House Natural Resource Committee. Please contact the members on house committee to voice your displeasure.

What all legislators need to remember or be reminded of is this.
At the next election not one NR will be able to vote for them. Not trying to be a smart a** just stating a fact.

I'd love to have every bowhunter or deer hunter in the state belong to the IBA. If you don't want to join the IBA find a group that is active and get involved and I don't mean just pay your dues GET INVOLVED.

When I sit down to write something like this, I wish I’d paid more attention in school. I’m sure if my old English teacher read this she would say “After 40 years you still can’t write a decent letter”. Sometimes it’s just better to write from the heart. Thanks for letting me ramble, if got this far a really big thanks.
<div class="ubbcode-block"><div class="ubbcode-header">Originally Posted By: elkhunter</div><div class="ubbcode-body">

What all legislators need to remember or be reminded of is this.
At the next election not one NR will be able to vote for them. Not trying to be a smart a** just stating a fact.


Thanks for the information.
We really appreciate all that you do.

I think this one statement says it all. /forum/images/%%GRAEMLIN_URL%%/cool.gif
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