Buck Hollow Sporting Goods - click or touch to visit their website Midwest Habitat Company

Absolute Monster of a Buck


J Becker

We are very happy to see him!!! He sure is something special. Wow. We are thinking he scores around 170". How about you guys?
I would say gross in the upper 140's to the 150 range but he is a great buck nonetheless. To make 170 with a basic 4 point side, it takes a lot of tine length on the buck.
160 gross, good 4 pt frame, throw the junk in the #'s will get there.
Shhot him and let us all know.
I think he'll gross in the mid 150's with good mass and that extra junk. He is a really good buck though....good pic.
I thought that deer looked familiar. I got your e-mail with those pics. Bill said you wanted my email so you could send me pictures....I wasn't sure if I wanted to open them since I'm rotting here in CT. with about a two year wait for a tag. How did you make out last year?
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