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Activated carbon fraud

What they gain is the thanks for all of us who wanted to see this scam fall flat after all these years of bilking hunters out of millions.

I am convinced they knew from the beginning this was a sham... how could they not know that you have to bring carbon particles to 1472 degrees F for it to be reactivated? How could they tell people you could reactivate it in your clothes dryer? It was all lies.
This is great news for me! All along I thought it was because of my Scent Lok suit that I killed big bucks, I must be an even better hunter than I give myself credit for!

All kidding aside I've worn it for years and even if it doesn't work, it's by far the best fitting camo I have ever owned! I got all mine for free so I'll continue to use it!
Anybody know why ScentBlocker {Robinson Outdoors I think} isnt mentioned in this? Second of all does anybody know what the reprocussions are going to be?
I wonder if the millitary will stop using charcoal lined clothes after all these decades.I guess they didn't consult with this site 70 years ago.
The findings as I read it say they don't eliminate human orar 100%.Does that mean they don't eliminate 20% or even 10%? I would think it couldn't hurt your chances of killing a deer.
All you guys they say you don't use it and you just play the wind.That don't work 100% of the time either.I would guess I have been winded by deer that came in from a different direction that they usually do 1000 times.Especially during the rut.Bucks will be anywhere at anytime.
I never have owned any scent-loc clothes but I do shower with Scent Away soap and wash my clothes in scent free laundry detergent.I spray down with Scent Shield products before I head to the woods and after I get in stand.I play the wind the best I can and hope for the best.If there is a product that might by chance give me a 10% better chance at success I might be willing to try it.Call me foolish but I think the 50 or 60 deer I have taken with a bow tell me I am doing something right.
Not eliminating 100% doesn't mean it doesn't work at all.Anyone that doesn't use some type of scent control because of this is missing out.Even if it reduces your scent 25% it is worthwhile.
I would bet there is a lot of fathers on here that are fathers because birth control doesn't work 100% of the time.But it does work enough to make it worth the money.
I think all that becomes of this is that Scent Schield and Scent Loc will change the wording of their ads from scent eliminating to scent reducing/controlling.

The carbon cannot be reactivated in the dryer, (needs 2500 degrees or something close) and it is collecting odors while it is on the shelf before you even buy it. It is true that it may collect some, but once it is full, there is no re-activation. The big question is, how long does it take for the carbon to fill up?? :way:
I wonder if the millitary will stop using charcoal lined clothes after all these decades.I guess they didn't consult with this site 70 years ago.
The findings as I read it say they don't eliminate human orar 100%.Does that mean they don't eliminate 20% or even 10%? I would think it couldn't hurt your chances of killing a deer.

The difference in the army suits is they have a LOT more carbon than a scent lok suit and they are one and done so they are much more effective. If you encased yourself from head to toe with activated carbon it does work well. 100% probably not, but it can be very effective. :way:
I bought activated carbon in bulk (50 pound bags) it does work great in fooling my nose as opposed to the other sprays and such. I did a test with several different stinky items and activated carbon was by far the best at covering the scent. Now since a deer smells so much better, it is hard to tell how that would translate to them.
I wonder if the millitary will stop using charcoal lined clothes after all these decades.I guess they didn't consult with this site 70 years ago.

Totally different application. The military uses carbon suits to keep chemicals and biologic materials out. They are not designed to keep odors in, and are a one time usage. The military or the enemy doesn't care what you smell like.
I wanna say I heard that the military charol based suits are something like 900-1000 SPF. Most Scentlok is like 70SPF.
Very good point Shovelbuck.So the carbon suits keep chemicals out but let chemicals and bacteria particles out? I would assume that if particles can't get in they also can't get out.I can go to the Army surplus store today and but charcoal lined clothes.Does that mean If i wuse them one time they are no good anymore and I should throw them away?
I think I will believe the scientist.

Probably wont buy any more carbon clothing.

I think washing machine and dryers are the enemy. They too many residues.(UV
Brighteners and scent)
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Totally different application. The military uses carbon suits to keep chemicals and biologic materials out. They are not designed to keep odors in, and are a one time usage. The military or the enemy doesn't care what you smell like.


For anyone that actually worn a REAL world military chem suit and a set of Scent Lock hunting clothes....tell me how much charcoal/carbon you get on yourself when you wear the Scent Lock - zero. Now tell me how much charcol/carbon you get on yourself when you take off a real military chem suit.....I usually look like I belong to a different race of darker color. :D Completely different application.

For the guy who busted on the Sham Wow - hey now...I actually bought one a set of those and I do LOVE them. They way they soak up liquid from carpet still blows my mind. :D

For anyone that actually worn a REAL world military chem suit and a set of Scent Lock hunting clothes....tell me how much charcoal/carbon you get on yourself when you wear the Scent Lock - zero. Now tell me how much charcol/carbon you get on yourself when you take off a real military chem suit.....I usually look like I belong to a different race of darker color. :D Completely different application.

For the guy who busted on the Sham Wow - hey now...I actually bought one a set of those and I do LOVE them. They way they soak up liquid from carpet still blows my mind. :D
Hate to burst your bubble, but I watched tests performed on TV, and the sham wow absorbed no more liquid then a regular household sponge that can be bought for pennies.:D
HAHAHA! HuntingBB, thats exactly what I thought when I purchased a pair of the pants many years ago. Thats hilarious! To this date, they are the only item I have ever purchased of the wanna be scent free garb.
So what's the verdict here. Does the Sham-WOW really work or not. I've been eyeing these for a couple years but haven't bit the bullet yet. Come on Serious. I need to know. :way: or :thrwrck: :confused:
Don go buy a couple Sham-Wow's and try them out for us. I want pics and all.:D

As for scentlok I just wonder where these companies will be in a couple years after this settles down.:drink1:
I think I will believe the scientist.

Probably wont buy any more carbon clothing.

I think washing machine and dryers are the enemy. They too many residues.(UV
Brighteners and scent)

That is why we all need a second set of washer/dryer for the hunting season. Used set with all hookup cost me less than one set of carbon hunting cloths. During the off season my wife gets the laundry done faster and likes that. Condition the mashines with all of your towels for several loads and you should be good for the whole season of scent free laundry.
All you need is cows, they leave behind the only cover scent you will ever need.

Try and keep it out of your mouth though.
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