Buck Hollow Sporting Goods - click or touch to visit their website Midwest Habitat Company

Advice? Hunting House Remodeling

Geez guys, AWESOME advice!!!! Before now I had some generic ideas, nothing like what I was thinking before. SPECIFICALLY FROM YOUR FEEDBACK I WILL BE....

Putting up carsiding and doing in horizontally- buying Cedar if it's not incredibly more expensive. (Might look into milling some wood OR old barn wood if I'm able & convenient)

Putting a tankless hot water heater in.

I found out the place has a wood burner, that will be nice for when I'm there, it's an old junky one in basement BUT I can't imagine it wouldn't work. SHOULD I ALSO BUY A WOOD STOVE for the living room? I don't mind spending the money if you think it makes ANY sense to have a wood burner in basement (old thing!!) BUT get something like a NEW stove???? Make any sense to do that?

I am going to also get a 80% furnace or look into the Maxx Heater. I do need to keep it heated, I'm down ALL THE TIME so putting anti-freeze in plumbing is NOT needed- I just use my hunting house way too much- once a week usually and I do so many projects and chores that I'll keep the house ready to rock.

Going to get with some folks on roof and siding, that one will probably be LAST thing I do. (I'll take before and after pics)

Finally, QUESTION- the foundation does need a little work- needs some cracks fixed- for sure fixable and I don't think it's TOO BAD. I am GUESSING $2-3k. Need a Hoe and repair work, bracing and french drain, filling cracks, etc. Who should I call on this one?

THANKS A TON!!!!!!!!!!!!!
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