I am sure by the last few posts that nobody cares about the subject at hand anymore, but,IMO, I believe that a deer can be aged somehow, however, I DO NOT believe that you can buy a tooth gauge or compare to a chart to do this accurately. Those gauges and charts are made by humans which tend to make errors. IMO, in order to properly age a deer by it's teeth, you would have to have something to compare with that has been through life with the same diet and genetic structure. For instance, a back woods timber buck from upstate New York is going to have far more wear on his teeth from living on twigs and browse than that of a mainly grain fed Iowa buck. Just thinking logically here, if you were to compare my teeth to those of someone twice my age with different genetics and diet, I think the results would be misleading ! I know it is fun to act like we all know what we are talking about, but do we REALLY ? And who cares how old a deer is, the important part is , how does it taste, how does it look on the wall, and how did you feel when you harvested the animal ? The rest is all , well, . . .nevermind.