PMA Member
I know it is common practice for you guys to use rootmaker trays to air prune tree roots. I bought some of those to get some acorns started this spring. I have since kind of gone down the rabbit hole of air pruning beds. I know they won't grow as fast as the rootmakers but potentially grow more trees for less investment. My main reasons for going this route are as a full time farmer I have more control over the time of planting instead of being in a time crunch when bare root trees are delivered. My main questions if anyone has tried this are if it hurts anything to make the beds out of pressure treated lumber(to help them last longer) and if you can stratify acorns and other seeds in the raised beds over winter or if they need more protection than that here. I have a lot of work to do in the coming years to try to thicken up our pasture, just trying to find the best solution for my situation. Thanks in advance.
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