Was he off the hit list last year, or just no opportunity?
He was on the hit list last year, he just never gave me an opportunity. In all actuality, I haven't hunted this buck much at all before. At 4.5yrs old, he just wasn't as big as some of the bucks on other farms I hunt....so he was left alone. At 5.5, he was one of the bigger ones, but spent the majority of his time on the neighbors....so I decided to hunt other more vulnerable deer. This year, I would love to have the opportunity to focus more on this whitetail, but he has to give me a reason to do so first. If he does what he did last year, he'll likely not even be hunted by me. If he stays where he's at, and does what he did at 4.5, I'll chase him! :way:
Any pictures of Rookie, Chris? AJ looks pretty solid. Either Buck should look good on the wall.
Rookie has yet to show himself this summer. I did, however, watch him multiple times this spring while I was turkey hunting. I could tell it was him due to his broken left ear.
He is such a homebody in the spring, fall, and winter....but during the summer months, he takes off. I think I know right where he is at though, which is not far away. As the months continue to progress to fall, he'll be back. There are too many doe groups, and I have too much food for him to stay away. Rookie, when he shows back up, will be the buck I hone in on.....he just lives on a very 'kill conducive' farm....
Besides AJ and Rookie, there are two others that I am waiting to show back up that could really turn heads.
Did you find his sheds last year? Any idea how long his left G2 was?
I didn't find AJ's sheds last year, and I actually don't know anyone who did. I talk to all of the other hunters and landowners in the area, besides one.....so he may be the one who has them....or a few squirrels had a party and chewed them up
I'm thinking his G2 was 13+inches long last year.....hopefully it will catch up this year!