Buck Hollow Sporting Goods - click or touch to visit their website Midwest Habitat Company

Alex's 1st buck


Well-Known Member
After 2 years of shooting does my son decided this was the year he tagged antlers. We ran cans and kept tabs on this oak ridge where many deer like to transition on their way to a distant green field. We arrived early and enjoyed the cool afternoon with snacks and some book reading. Around 610 this guy slowly sauntered up the ridge towards us. At about 40 yards he turned into the ditch, but I was pretty confident he would ease back onto our ridge

15 minutes later I saw tines and got Alex ready. The buck was actually walking straight towards us but luckily i got Alex situated properly and told him "DON'T BREATHE" as the buck got under 15 yards. At 8 yards the buck started rubbing on some brush and I got Alex even more squared up on him since he was making noise.

In seconds Alex hissed "I'm on his shoulder, can I shoot?" Aftee a quick inspection I could see all was well and good so squeezed his knee and whispered "crush him".

BOOM! The buck took off, but blood was absolutely BLOWING out both sides and his back end was already starting to sag. 50 yards later the buck started spinning and then barrel rolled over. Alex and I squirted out of that blind quicker than 2 turds thru a wet tin horn. Running up to the buck I knew my decision to switch to Barnes 44 magnums was the right choice. It looked like someone was axe murdered in that field.

We loaded him up and took him to a different part of the farm to gut him and snap a few pics with last light. I am so proud of Alex. He has shown tremendous poise in high pressure shooting situations and, for the most part, has done better than many adults in these situations.


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