Buck Hollow Sporting Goods - click or touch to visit their website Midwest Habitat Company

All done My best ever!!


PMA Member
10:30 this morning 26.5lbs Double beard 11 1/8, 7 1/8 1 1/4 and 1 5/16. Story and pics after dedgeez helps me get them on here!
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Thanks DG! A quick rewind to 1st season. The Bonker was up to hunt at the Stabbin Cabin and you all know what opening day was like. Wind, rain and cold almost made us cuddle in the blind, I said ALMOST. We had two birds close that day, but on the wrong side for the Bonks to get a shot with his crossbow. He had some unexpected business at home and had to leave that night. Next morning was beautiful and I had a bird at 30 in front of the same blind and as I was lining up the barrel, a songbird landed on top of the blind and made a hell of a racket. I pulled my head up and hurried the shot to score my first miss with a shotgun. No opportunities the next two days and I was skunked. So, I was really looking forward to 4th and redemption. At 4 this morning the lightning and rain was a good excuse to sleep in. After feeding cattle and some chores, it was 9:30 before I got out. I decided to leave blind and decoys in the jeep and go old school. I went to my favorite ridgetop fenceline and sat against a tree. After hearing some very distant gobbles, I let out a few yelps on my mouthcall and followed with some calls from a boxcall. I called a couple more times in the next hour but the gobbling stayed a long ways away. Finally some birds sounded closer, so I gave a few loud, short yelps. They must have run in cause the next gobbles were on my hill and closing fast. I kept quiet and they gobbled all the way in. One bird cleared the fence and was in front of me so I wasted no time and let my old 870 bellow. The other bird ran up and started spurring and pecking his downed partner. Wish the Bonks would have been here, the second bird looked just as big as this one. Good luck to everyone still hunting! I get to call for some family this weekend. Still room for you Bonks, we need to win some stuff!
The Bonker was up to hunt at the Stabbin Cabin and you all know what opening day was like. Wind, rain and cold almost made us cuddle in the blind, I said ALMOST.

I'd have opted for the Makers' for warmth. :D

Good job on an awesome bird!

I'm trying to get your partner out but he hasn't responded to email/texts (prolly weighing his options). Between the two of us, he oughta hold up his end of the deal. ;)
Nice Bird.

I would take the Bonk's with you though.

Going with JNRBRNC, Bonks may not have time to shoot.

JNRBRNC will someone take the crossbow from Bonks. JMHO. ;) :D
Wow, very nice! I've shot one double bearded bird before, but not as big as your. Congrats!
Thanks guys. JNRBRONC, if you can get Bonkers butt out there, there's a bottle of your favorite poison in it for you. It's rained too much down there to build a patio hasn't it?
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