IowaWhitetail Addict
Hey all,
Just thought I would throw up a couple of pics from my Saturday night last week.
Gas in car: $50
Tickets: $70
3.2 12oz Plastic bottles of beer: $7.50
An unforgetable concert by two of my favorite artists: WORTH IT!
Target Center in Minneapolis
Hate the Twin Cities. But the nightmare was worth this show.
Missed a hellave wedding and party afterwards of some pretty good friends of mine but the groom said he would have rather went with me
Row 25 Floor.
Started with a warmup band that did some southern rock stuff and then real deal came out.
Lynyrd Skynyrd really rocked. Heard the longest version of freebird ever.
Im sure it took a solid 12min or more. Had to stand through concert even though we good padded chairs. But it was definatly worth it.
This was my second time seeing Hank Jr. and his show wasnt as good as the first show I saw but I still was happy at the end.
Just thought I would throw up a couple of pics from my Saturday night last week.
Gas in car: $50
Tickets: $70
3.2 12oz Plastic bottles of beer: $7.50
An unforgetable concert by two of my favorite artists: WORTH IT!
Target Center in Minneapolis

Missed a hellave wedding and party afterwards of some pretty good friends of mine but the groom said he would have rather went with me

Row 25 Floor.
Started with a warmup band that did some southern rock stuff and then real deal came out.
Lynyrd Skynyrd really rocked. Heard the longest version of freebird ever.

This was my second time seeing Hank Jr. and his show wasnt as good as the first show I saw but I still was happy at the end.