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Allowing adult children to hunt on family farms HF219 Corrected link and title

Guess if 26 is good to stay on parent's insurance, then they think it is good to hunt in the parents place.
Passed out of sub today. I was told the bill's sponsor was there. The reason for the bill was more adult children are living at home and (he) can't afford to pay full price for a license.
WOW! That is a sad statement.

You can say that again! ^^ What's next? The "Life Isn't Fair" amendment for millennials to get everything for free since their friend's parents have too much money? Nicknamed the "WAAHHH" bill.

There was a day when well meaning parents told their offspring that "their dinner plate gets turned over" when they turn 18 and plenty of them meant it. Nowadays, we are stretching the dependency well into their young adult life. What Democrat sponsored this one?
I got a call yesterday just after the meeting from someone who was there. My interpretation of not being able to afford the license is a very watered down version. I have never heard the guy that called me so upset. Reading between the lines of what he said the bills sponsor said I'd say look for a bill in the future that will grant free deer tags to adult children of LOs who already have their tags for the farm unit. The new entitlement for kids who fail to launch. Not a knock on LOs just the thinking of some people.
Sad. Can't afford a $28 tag. Would love to see what that young person is spending that $28 on in reality.

**edit** No, I actually wouldn't want to know.
I'm gonna go live in a cave with no internet. I just get pissed off reading this crap everyday. :mad::mad::mad:
Get to emailing folks...

Hi Andrew,

HF 219 has nothing to do with people being able to afford deer tags. HF 219 has to do with individual property rights and the fundamental principal of being able to get a land owners tag up until 27 if you are the child of a land owner. Fairly straight forward bill that’s common sense legislation. The previous bill we discussed about transferring tags I’ve asked the chair not to hold a sub committee on it because it needs work. As for HF 219 there is support for it and is good legislation.


You can say that again! ^^ What's next? The "Life Isn't Fair" amendment for millennials to get everything for free since their friend's parents have too much money? Nicknamed the "WAAHHH" bill.

There was a day when well meaning parents told their offspring that "their dinner plate gets turned over" when they turn 18 and plenty of them meant it. Nowadays, we are stretching the dependency well into their young adult life. What Democrat sponsored this one?

Ill derail the thread. Im getting sick of your generation ragging on all millennials. Like it or not , you're the generation that raised a lot of us, you're the generation that told us all we wouldn't amount to shit unless we go to college therefor alot of us went a racked up alot of debt.. Yet all are I hear is millennial this millennial that . I know alot of millennials that work harder than the 40-60 year olds in their organizations and all the older generations do is run their mouth how they earned there spot yada yada yada..

I went a 4 year school, graduated 5 years ago renting a house with 2-3 roomates for those 5 years but otherwise debt free. Lot of people my age arent as fortunate, cause every god damn high school guidance counselor across the nation shoved down our throat we needed college and to chase or dreams. How many of those kids took that to heart and chased their dreams just to rack up 80,000 k in debt for a 30k a year job for a rent and utilities payment of 1000 a month . No wonder half of us are living with our parents longer. Quit lumping us all together. You want to lump democratic millenials together? Go for it, but its pretty ignorant to lump a whole age generation together.
Ill derail the thread. Im getting sick of your generation ragging on all millennials. Like it or not , you're the generation that raised a lot of us, you're the generation that told us all we wouldn't amount to shit unless we go to college therefor alot of us went a racked up alot of debt.. Yet all are I hear is millennial this millennial that . I know alot of millennials that work harder than the 40-60 year olds in their organizations and all the older generations do is run their mouth how they earned there spot yada yada yada..

I went a 4 year school, graduated 5 years ago renting a house with 2-3 roomates for those 5 years but otherwise debt free. Lot of people my age arent as fortunate, cause every god damn high school guidance counselor across the nation shoved down our throat we needed college and to chase or dreams. How many of those kids took that to heart and chased their dreams just to rack up 80,000 k in debt for a 30k a year job for a rent and utilities payment of 1000 a month . No wonder half of us are living with our parents longer. Quit lumping us all together. You want to lump democratic millenials together? Go for it, but its pretty ignorant to lump a whole age generation together.

Congratulations on your success, you sure appear to NOT fit the profile that I was referencing. I will definitely agree with you that an awful lot of the blame for shiftless Millenials falls to overly permissive and generally poor Baby Boomer parents. But that doesn't make it any less true. In this case, I referenced millennials since the proposed legislation would actually benefit millennials. I am very aware that not all fit a particular profile, BUT plenty do. Ask any hiring manager anywhere about the differences these days v. 20-30 years ago when it comes to hiring people and then actually, egads, expecting to show up on time for work with any consistency.

FWIW, I also rag on other generations for their particular idiosyncrasies...BUT I do not shrink back from any criticism towards millennials in general. As a long time manager and business owner I have watched three generations "come through the pipe" and due to a range of issues(24x7 video game playing, incessant cell phone reliance, drift towards "friends first" v. "family first", overly permissive atmosphere, "it's not fair", etc.) the millennials, in my mind anyway, are pretty deserving of criticism. Again, that is not to say that all are equally guilty, plenty aren't and yet plenty are.

With some exceptions, I have little sympathy also for anyone that racked up $80K of debt on their way through college...and now want their debt to be forgiven in many cases. Yes, the fault there lies with many...not just the loan recipients, but if someone applies themselves and works hard, one can still make their way through college, assuming they actually complete their 4 year degree in say, 4 years or so, with little to no debt. You have drawn several other dimensions into the conversation FWIW than what my initial post did, I don't have time now to address them all.
Congratulations on your success, you sure appear to NOT fit the profile that I was referencing. I will definitely agree with you that an awful lot of the blame for shiftless Millenials falls to overly permissive and generally poor Baby Boomer parents. But that doesn't make it any less true. In this case, I referenced millennials since the proposed legislation would actually benefit millennials. I am very aware that not all fit a particular profile, BUT plenty do. Ask any hiring manager anywhere about the differences these days v. 20-30 years ago when it comes to hiring people and then actually, egads, expecting to show up on time for work with any consistency.

FWIW, I also rag on other generations for their particular idiosyncrasies...BUT I do not shrink back from any criticism towards millennials in general. As a long time manager and business owner I have watched three generations "come through the pipe" and due to a range of issues(24x7 video game playing, incessant cell phone reliance, drift towards "friends first" v. "family first", overly permissive atmosphere, "it's not fair", etc.) the millennials, in my mind anyway, are pretty deserving of criticism. Again, that is not to say that all are equally guilty, plenty aren't and yet plenty are.

With some exceptions, I have little sympathy also for anyone that racked up $80K of debt on their way through college...and now want their debt to be forgiven in many cases. Yes, the fault there lies with many...not just the loan recipients, but if someone applies themselves and works hard, one can still make their way through college, assuming they actually complete their 4 year degree in say, 4 years or so, with little to no debt. You have drawn several other dimensions into the conversation FWIW than what my initial post did, I don't have time now to address them all.

Im sure you see a lot of shit owning your own company, cant even imagine dealing with the idiots. My generations got its fare share of idiots no doubt, I just hear it once a week at least, sometimes multiple times a day and it gets aggravating is all I was saying .

Id argue the work hard through college and graduate with little to no debt though. ISU is what 9-10k a year for tuition now ? Housing is easily 4-500/person a month without utilities. Work a job $10/hr for 20-30 hrs/week (15 hrs of classes a week on average , 5 for studying/homework puts you at 50 hours a week ) , that pays for the food, rent and utilites for the month.... that’s if your smart enough to hack that schedule , lots of kids don’t even socialize still can’t hack a 15 hr classload and homework without a job . Obviously a summer job or internship might make you a few grand . Again rent and utilities . Not gonna recoup your 16 grand cost per year in your 4 months .. So now we’re talking 16 grand year costs. 16x4 = 64 grand . Not too far off from 80 k ..
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He stated
the State shouldn’t tell you your kid can’t get a land owners tag. The fact is most people can’t own land between 18 and there mid to upper 20’s. We shouldn’t put people at a disadvantage because they’re young

I'm saying disadvantage??? I didn't know this guy was 20 years old. Kinda figures?!
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