Hunting + School = bad grades....
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I met a fellow hunter at a social party (read keggar) my first semester in college. He thought he was a waterfowler until I showed him Iowa pheasant hunting. We hunted almost every day of the season, with him canceling registration the week before finals to avoid getting Fs on his transcript. His dad wasn't happy, seeing how he was paying rent, non-resident tuition and we ran up his credit card for gas.
I survived the semester, barely!
Anyhow, congrats on going to an institution of higher education. Though I'd rather you be a Hawkeye, I'd rather you be a Cyclone than not going to college at all.
Just don't follow my example.
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That's a funny story! I nearly did the same my last semester and nearly didn't graduate. I had a class at 3:00 on M,W,and Friday...well...we all know that by the time you get out of class at 4 and high tail it to your stand 20 miles away you're going to be walking into prime time and you can't be doing that.
So I skipped the class a few times, (or a dozen times after Oct 1) and it came down to me needing a 96 on the cumulative final to get a D- in the class so I could graduate. Only God knows how I pulled that off, but I did.