Buck Hollow Sporting Goods - click or touch to visit their website Midwest Habitat Company


Trust me, I thought about getting some Shingles and some roofing nails and setting out a Redneck spike strip, but that would be wrong. Plus who knows what they would do to your truck.
I always wanted to find out what a muzzy would do to a 4-wheeler tire many times last fall though.
it`s good area to hunt, i do on my way home . but like the guys said 4-wheelers hunting pressure from other hunters,horses ,target shooting , dog training ect.... but i still manage to see some massive buck`s. the other down fall is lot`s of walking , and the deer travel the river, and are always changing thier travel root`s making it tuff hunting. but like i said thier is massive buck`s, just hard to fined
I forgot about the horses
Nothing like having a horse walk by on a nice crispy fall morning
It would be nice to have a horse just to get deer out though
It would be nice to have a horse just to get deer out though

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Is there anything in the books that says you can't hunt from horseback?? -seriously
you will have to pick up one of the sportsman's atlases from the dnr showing all of the public land all over the state. be sure to check out saylorville as well as big creek. there are a lot of deer in both places.
it also really helps to have some sort of GIS coverage with public land boundries around the Des Moines River, im pretty sure as long as you are a student you can get a free copy of Arc View for your personal use, also like everyone else is saying there are alot of yahoos with 4-wheelers, but what i hated most was the houses next to public areas that had dogs which they let roam free, several times i would walk in in the dark only to have the hounds sound off and 2-3 dogs run pat me in the dark, it was funny, if you stood still they would run right past you, i think they thought the noise they heard was a deer so thats what they were searching for, several times i had an arrow nocked or a turkey load waiting for a dog to come at me
Your right Liv,Years back some buddies and I rented a farm house alond the river just west of Madrid and always had problems with 4-wheelers,4WD trucks,and people on horseback.Didn't notice it up by Luther,but that may have changed.Once while turkey hunting had a kid get stuck in a bronco.Lets just say he needed more then another vehicle and a tow strap by the time I was done.
You won't get on any private ground around Ames or Boone, unless you are a Local. I can guarantee yah that one, Unless you have deep pockets. I went to school there for god knows how many years, I kind of felt like Van Wilder, but anyways the only word of advise is, I hope you like walking!!

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Things may have changed in recent years, but we never had a problem getting on ground to hunt when I was there. I had 2 farms to myself in the fall of 98 and 99....but...things could have very easily changed since then.

The one land owner turned out to be like a second "grandma" to me. She went out to my kill sites and helped me gut the deer, and would run my trapline with me. I still talk to her to this day and to my knowledge she hasn't let anyone esle hunt there since I left. I think I could probably hook you up with it if you want me to check for you. (You gotta be on your best behavior out there - and no big parties of people or it won't happen!) It was a 24 minute drive from my house on Welch avenue if you went the speed limit - when time was an issue it could be done in around 18 if you're careful.

Send me a PM if you're interested.

And - as just stated - "hunting + school = bad grades" - you gotta be careful or that couldn't be more true!
I am going to school in Ames next year at ISU.......

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What, you couldn't get into a real college?

The 'Bonker

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You made a good decision; I have went to both and can say without a doubt ISU is the nicer place to go to school. If your looking for private ground head southeast.
I went to school there !!!! I now make upwards of 220,000 G's a YEAR !!!

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Thats about how much it would take to get me to move back to Michigan.
Hunting + School = bad grades....

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I met a fellow hunter at a social party (read keggar) my first semester in college. He thought he was a waterfowler until I showed him Iowa pheasant hunting. We hunted almost every day of the season, with him canceling registration the week before finals to avoid getting Fs on his transcript. His dad wasn't happy, seeing how he was paying rent, non-resident tuition and we ran up his credit card for gas.

I survived the semester, barely!

Anyhow, congrats on going to an institution of higher education. Though I'd rather you be a Hawkeye, I'd rather you be a Cyclone than not going to college at all.

Just don't follow my example.
IowaStrutRutandGut I will be around most of the summer, give me a message and I could show you around. I was a Ag Engineer and changed to Construction Engineering.
Hunting + School = bad grades....

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I met a fellow hunter at a social party (read keggar) my first semester in college. He thought he was a waterfowler until I showed him Iowa pheasant hunting. We hunted almost every day of the season, with him canceling registration the week before finals to avoid getting Fs on his transcript. His dad wasn't happy, seeing how he was paying rent, non-resident tuition and we ran up his credit card for gas.

I survived the semester, barely!

Anyhow, congrats on going to an institution of higher education. Though I'd rather you be a Hawkeye, I'd rather you be a Cyclone than not going to college at all.

Just don't follow my example.

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That's a funny story! I nearly did the same my last semester and nearly didn't graduate. I had a class at 3:00 on M,W,and Friday...well...we all know that by the time you get out of class at 4 and high tail it to your stand 20 miles away you're going to be walking into prime time and you can't be doing that.
So I skipped the class a few times, (or a dozen times after Oct 1) and it came down to me needing a 96 on the cumulative final to get a D- in the class so I could graduate. Only God knows how I pulled that off, but I did.
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