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Amish Deer Hunters


Life Member
Curious about the Amish and their deer hunting. I noticed quite a number of them at the Iowa classic and SplitG3 said there was good number of them at the Ohio classic. I would never have guessed they would be anything but farmers. Maby an occasional doe for meat but not trophy hunters. I know they live in some of the best deer country. SplitG3 says they had one/some entered in the Ohio classis. Could you post the pic SplitG3. Does anyone know any Amish deer hunters and what their weapon of choice is?

Hunt on All4s
Before leaving Ny I had the opportunity to hunt coyotes with some ahmish fellows. They hunted deer with remington 870's and also hunted with bows. I also learned of them being avid shed hunters. They all seemed very pleasent and willing to let other hunters on their property. I consider them good hard working people. Also, I dont think that they were trophy hunters, but there are not too many of them in NY anyway. Probably different in the midwest.
In SE Minnesota there are a bunch of them and they would always come into the archery store before the season and stock up on stuff. Never anyhting big that they had shot,but i did see some big ones that other people had shot off their land. I only ever saw them with does or small bucks nothing huge
the people at the iowa deer classic were most likely not amish, but menonites. they are kind of an offshoot of the amish faith, but they do use some modern conveniences, like cars. i don't think they got too many horse and buddy riggs crusing the streets of des moines.
i had a mennonite guy build my kitchen a couple years ago and he had a hell of a buck hanging in his office. if i remember right it had 17 points and scored in the 180's. he spotted it in a slough and layed down in the grass and waited until it was within range of his shotgun. he said he had alot of traffic buy the next few days from people wanting a look at it.
Well I guess that explains it. Last year there were some (what I thought to be) Amish guys that came into the bow shop and one of them was buying a string to put on his recurve but the other one bought a Mathews legacy with all the works. I'm glad to know the diffrence now. I was a little confused there for a second.
Amish moved in the last two years . They are only meat hunters and every doe that used to be seen in the open will just disappear .
don't kid yourself. I remember coming home from a long day in the woods without any luck and as I came into town I was behind a horse and wagon with a 160 class 10 pointer in the back. The two who were driving were about 14 years old. By the way they had a muzzleloader.
Thanks a lot all4s. Ever since this post I've had Amish Paradise stuck in my head.

Unless you know them personally, I would hesitate to group them and their hunting styles. There are Amish and Menonite in this state. One Amish gentleman brought in the largest shed measured at the Classic, 5 point side in the high 80's. He knew exactly what he had. The first thing he said to me at the check-in table was, "If this point (G2) was a little better he'd be a world record". He was right. The G2 was DWARFED by the G3. If the G2 caught up it would be in the upper 90's. They had watched this buck for several years and were looking for the other side every chance they got. He said that he couldn't wait till next bow season as the buck spent most of it's time on his farm. This guy was as serious as they come. Don't judge the book by it's cover...
i'm with Ogz on this one. my dad ran a gun and archery shop, back while i was in high school we had the local amish show up every fall to restock for the upcoming season. some are for meat, others are just as nuts about big horns as the rest of us, they just don't have the opportunities to express themselves unless you talk to them.
Kat, that picture just isn't right! I'm forever scarred now too! Thanks a lot!!!!!

...We've been spending most our lives living in an Amish Paradise
I've churned butter once or twice living in an Amish Paradise
It's hard work and sarifice living in an Amish paradise
We sell quilts at discount price living in an Amish Paradise

Hitchin' up the buggy, churnin' lots of butter, raise a barn on Monday,
Soon I'll raise another...

Nooo...make it stop!!!
a local boy kicked me in the butt last week... i just smiled at him and I turned the other cheek, thats alright in fact i wish him well, because i will be laughing my head of when he is burning in .....

geez kat now you got me with that dang song in my head in the library lol

ive actually ran into some amish people while hunting, they were pretty nice people
I would have to say that without all the outside world stuff going on that they would have even more of a head start on us as far as hunting goes.Think about it,they have no TV,no computer and some of the best areas to hunt.I would geuss that they are very dedicated deer hunter's.
Not sure if they are amish or menonites now come to think of it, but I am pretty sure they are menonites. I have seen them fishing the banks of the Mississippi River for hours and hours. Usually the men are fishing and the kids are playing. Not sure if women have been along or not. Have to remember to pay more attention next time.

I know when I met my wife's mothers cousin out in Colorado he said, "I am a mountain man born 100 years to late." Sometimes thats the way I feel. I would love to live off the land and be closer to nature. Instead of living in a city to earn money to have a house and luxuries. Hats off to these people that won't change their ways.
Just wanted to say I didn't mean any disrespect to amish people. I have a lot of admiration for the purity of their lifestyle and hard work. They also have the most beautiful and well behaved children I've ever seen. But that being said, the darn song is still there...

I ain't never punched a tourist even if he deserved it,
An Amish with a 'tude you know that's unheard of.
I never wear buttons but I got a cool hat
And my homies agree I really look good in black...fool!

OK, I'll stop now.
hey all4s here is the photo of the buck killed by the ahmishman! now this is the only deer i seen displayed that was supposedly killed by an ahmishman. the ahmish are going to build my log home, the next time i talk to them i will collect information for ya'll and post it
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