I asked a question on another thread and no one attempted to answer my question. I'll ask again here.
What would you rather have, a Non-Resident Landowner getting one buck tag per year or that same Non-Resident landowner leasing his land to an outfitter who can have multiple non-residents hunt bucks on the same property? It seems to me, allowing a guy to shoot one buck on his own ground is a much safer way to go than to have him lease it out to an outfitter. My understanding is that many non-residents are leasing their ground because they can't hunt their own ground every year and they want to produce some income. Again, I don't have a dog in the fight but I can't see why anyone would complain about one guy hunting one buck on his own ground yearly, versus having an outfitter hurt an entire neighborhood by killing multiple bucks on the same ground that the landowner is not currently allowed to hunt.
Good question!!
Here’s my “non-answer”…. Neither. Here’s why:
1) the second NR’s can get buck tags every year: every drop of iowa timber that comes for sale will be owned by NR’s. 100000% it will climb to $7-12k/acre - no problem. When that happens - land gets subdivided smaller & smaller & quality tanks. WE ONLY HAVE 7-8% timber (I adjusted based on current stats

) & it’s stacked in a few parts of the state. We are too close to the largest hunting armies in the country that want to leave their devastated states: WI, MN, MI, Etc. Every drop of land would be bought up or made so expensive that the everyday guy would be done.
2) don’t want outfitters. The fewer the better. I know maybe 2-3 that do a good job. (One is a member here but does it lightly & he’s top tier- super rare!!!). For 20-30 that do not. The average outfitter: good-bye quality hunting. I literally would sell my farm if an outfitter was anchored next to it. That’s me but that’s how bad I feel outfitting is for quality hunting. OK…. I’ll say this, I’d rather have NR landowners all over VS outfitters. If I picked one. But both would cripple the system in different ways. Like: “would u rather die by being burned alive or torn apart by wild dogs?!?” …. NEITHER!!!
The way it is now, overall is “good”. Not great. Iowa is good. Which puts it above almost all other states. Like “Michigan” - I would rate that, nothing close to “GOOD”…. I’ll call it??!?!?!!!!???…. HMMMM….. “A JOKE”. There we go! Most states are a “disaster” all the way to “mediocre”. The exceptions are big landowners & coops in any state that “self regulate” to allow bucks to reach older ages.
So- if iowa is “good” - how do we make it GREAT???….
1) totally agree- no one needs to shoot 3 bucks. It’s rarely done but I’d gladly give up a tag. If iowa was a 1 buck state - WHOA!!!
2) leave all the new seasons, more access, new this, new that - leave it alone!!!!!! NO MORE!!!!!!!! 4 months, 7 seasons, gazillion weapons - NO MORE!!!! If we wanted to make it great, reduce the season to “3 months” vs adding to it!!!
Leaving things the heck alone, no more liberalizing regs/weapons/seasons & 1 buck rule would bring iowa into a status like nothing anyone has ever seen. Improve access & opportunity for all hunters as well. All on 7-8% timber!!!!! Why other states don’t say “huh, our residents are fleeing to iowa and our hunting sucks - maybe we should copy iowa?!?” is mind boggling. MN, WI, MO, MI, PA, NE, etc - all could have the best states in the country if one ounce of common sense was implemented. Any of these states would destroy iowa if they could get their heads out of their A$$ES!!!!!!
Love my NR buddies & want em to stay here & would do exact same thing if I were them (they are smart. Other Guys stuck in those states that don’t leave- UGGGHHHH!!!!)…. BUT…. Isn’t it ironic how all of them drive across millions of acres of premium whitetail habitat, drive countless hours & spend a fortune to cross into a border that simply has different regulations!?!?!! It’s not better habitat or more of it…. It’s the same as what they left without suicidal regulations. The solution isn’t to ruin iowa- the solution is to fix these disaster states with 5-10x the habitat!