PMA Member
Yesterday morning, I got a text from my best friend at 0624; "Just shot a big boy!!! He went down BBD!!!!" I asked him how big it was and he said " He is at least a ten....I think" (It was just low light enough yet in the timber that he couldn't quite really tell how big it was)... Well, he soon found out that it had 19 scoreable points and I scored him at 200 3/8". He had gotten into the tree a little later than he wanted. He got setup and hadn't been in the stand for more than 10 minutes when he saw this buck about 60 yards away. He gave him a soft grunt and the buck came right to him. Shot him with a rage 2-blade at 20 yards quartering away and the buck piled up in 40 yards. He looked at his phone and it was 0623, just after shooting time started!
For everyone worried about cattle pastures..... This was shot in the middle of one! Also, for all of you rage lovers.. The rage richocheted off of the bucks ribs and angled right up under his left arm pit just under the skin and came out on the left side of his neck, luckily slicing through the carotid artery. Nothing penetrated the chest cavity. It was quartering away, but not so extreme that it would warrant only a subcutaneous wound. It was very interesting to say the least. In the end, it got the job done and made a hell of a hole and a blood trail, but, I'll stick to my fixed blades :way:. Congrats to my friend and I'm very proud of him! His biggest buck before this was under 130".
For everyone worried about cattle pastures..... This was shot in the middle of one! Also, for all of you rage lovers.. The rage richocheted off of the bucks ribs and angled right up under his left arm pit just under the skin and came out on the left side of his neck, luckily slicing through the carotid artery. Nothing penetrated the chest cavity. It was quartering away, but not so extreme that it would warrant only a subcutaneous wound. It was very interesting to say the least. In the end, it got the job done and made a hell of a hole and a blood trail, but, I'll stick to my fixed blades :way:. Congrats to my friend and I'm very proud of him! His biggest buck before this was under 130".

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