So I held the 20 acorns over winter in the fridge. Back in April, I filled a container with potting soil, spread the acorns over the top, covered with more dirt. There is a tree I cut off at 5 feet high in the back yard, was thinking I'd mount a bird bath/feeder on it but never got around to it. So I placed the container up on top of the stump, prayed that the squirrels would leave it alone.
Well, that didn't happen.

Mid-May I peeked in to see it all dug up. Thinking that all the viable acorns had been eaten, I retasked the container for Jalapenos. It seems that every year, just when the Jalapenos are really cranking out peppers, we get a frost that shuts them down. I've heard you can take them inside to extend the season, so I put a couple of Jalapeno Grande seeds in the pot, set it out on the patio. Three plants started to grow, I nipped one back, leaving two.
Two weeks ago I noticed a shoot coming up out of the soil when I was watering. Recognized it almost immediately as an oak seedling. Amazed that the squirrels missed a viable nut and that it took that long to germinate. Looks like I'll be putting the pot out to let the tree go dormant after I've stripped the peppers off the plant late this fall/winter.