Bowman i know exactly what you are going through, as most of you know i lost my father on march 10th to cancer. i thought that i was prepared for the inevitable also, but turns out i wasn't. you, your mother and the rest of your family will be in my thoughts and prayers. one month after i lost my father to cancer i lost my uncle to the same kind of cancer your mother has, but the doc's were talking months and he ended up living a little over 2 years before his death, so if i were you i would hang in there and don't give up think positive everyday, for doctors can be wrong everyday. be positive towards her, tell her those doctors don't know what there talking about, and that you believe that if she beat before she can beat it again. i am holding on to the hope that your mother will make it, and i truly believe that! hang in there and if you need to talk shoot me a pm!