Buck Hollow Sporting Goods - click or touch to visit their website Midwest Habitat Company



My comments were not targeted at you or anyone specific. Just wanting to provoke some thought. I recently stood in line at a local store listening to a guy on his cell phone ranting to a buddy on the other end about all the deer they have shot and that they might just need to move the freezer closer to the front door. His attitude and 'macho' mentality stunk up the place and did nothing positive to reflect our sport to others standing around.

I think of myself as a hunting good-will ambassador in some pretty unusual places.

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You nailed it Kat.

You should run for office
If people can see your deer in the back of your truck while you're driving down the roads, make sure the deer is turned so that the field dressing cuts are not in view, and if there's more than one deer make sure that they are not piled on top of one another. I don't think moms want their little kids to see the inside of your deer...

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Good point Kat.

Another issue would be that of field photos. I've noticed that many hunters are becoming more aware of the way thier harvests are displayed in photos. It is much less offensive to the non hunting public if they see the photos we have taken without the blood and gore. Nothing is a bigger turn off than to see bloody animals with their tongue hanging out, gut piles laying around or blood up to the elbows on the hunter in the photo. I think it's worth the extra time to clean up the animal as much as possible and take the photo before field dressing.

If you don't have a camera in the field and photograph it after field dressing then position the animal in a way that doesn't expose a bloody cavity, or crop the photo if need be.

Taking a few extra minutes to prepare for a good photo is well worth the time and shows more respect to the game you harvest and to our sport.
I was just talking about this type of thing with the guys I work with. One of the guys saw some IDIOT with the head of a deerNot the skull the whole head freshly cut off some how attached to the hitch of his pickup looking back with its tongue hanging out. If thats not giving hunters a bad name I don't was it. That idiot should have his hunting rights taken away.
It is like Kat said, anytime we are out in public and recognized as a hunter we are making an impression on non-hunters. Let's make sure it is always a good impression. It is going to take a lot of good impressions to make up for the idiots out there.
There are a lot of unethical people running around out there as well as a good share of folks that are just plain uneducated in terms of the law. It's imperative that we as hunters and outdoorsman not come off as killers and gun nuts. Things we say and our actions can carry a lot of weight but typically the bad apples are the ones that make the headlines with the exception of rare "super achievements" like Tony Lovstuen had last season. The press tends to like the dramatic stories which unfortunately means they won't pay much attention to our sport except when things like the killings in Wisconsin occur. Maybe hunting clubs like Issac Walton and others need to do more things like the police and fire departments do. They have open houses and bring John Q. Public in to see what they are really all about and what they do. Education is the key to understanding...

Personally I don't think bow hunting is any danger of being outlawed. I think it would pretty much be political suicide for any public official to endorse such action in the Hawkeye State.
I checked the Fund for Animals website and found an article on the joining of the two groups. This is the last paragraph in the article.

"The HSUS has eight million members and constituents, a 2004 budget of $82 million, and more than $100 million in assets. The Fund has 200,000 members and constituents, a 2004 budget of $7 million, and $20 million in assets. Washington, D.C. will remain the base of operations for the combined organization, which has a planned 2005 budget of over $95 million."
Yeah they have a lot of money Old Buck. I'll give you that one. But they have a LARGE agenda as well so they won't be spending all those millions on the bow hunting issue even if the article says it's their top priority. I just searched their site for bowhunting and nothing came up. If they get any momentum going on that issue, there will be HUGE pushback from pro-hunting organizations. We won't lose the right to bowhunt. The hunters have $$ too.

Best of all we just re-elected a pro-hunting president to another 4 year term!

Definitely good to be aware of these things though and be ready to take a proactive stance rather than reactive. Glad you shared this info.
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