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Antler growth?


Well-Known Member
After the Fourth is typically when it seems like people can start to get the feel for the general antler growth for a given year and for specific bucks. So far from what I have randomly saw I am not impressed this year. Opinions??
I saw a few bucks this weekend, nothing huge, but a couple of nice ones sprinkled in with the pencil racks. Nothing made me think that things are any different this year than in prior years. Who knows? :)

I was pleased to see a good amount of quail this weekend, including at least one young batch of about a dozen. They provided a little amusement as they skittered to and fro and a good reminder about the necessity of "bare ground" for quail. They were running in between overhead sprigs of weeds and grasses, but on a "racetrack" of bare dirt...perfect habitat for those little guys. Nowadays, I always disk or till up a couple of spots, nothing big, and just let whatever grows back...grow. "My" quail are almost always around this specific habitat, particularly in the spring and summer time. On top of what I saw, I heard several more whistling...this is looking like a good quail year from what I am seeing.
Your still early. I have seen deer put on a ton of inches from the July 15 to August 15. Be patient, all should be well. I have seen deer with short tines add 6-8” of tine length after July 15.
Agree^^^^. I had a couple bucks last year early July that made huge jumps by August. They are putting on inches like crazy these next few weeks.
They already growing pretty good in Mississippi. Wearing out the cotton too. I would think y'all would be slightly ahead of us in growth, but could be wrong.




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