Any Air Jordan fans

would be great to see him back on the court, I have alot of his basketball and baseball cards I wonder if it will affect the card prices?
That would be sweet! I like how he basically slams those 3 in the beginning of the video about how he would never have called up Larry B and Magic to play on the same team! HAHA. I would love to see him come back for one season as an "old man" and win one more championship with a so-so team, that would put all the "who's the best" talk to bed.
hmmmmmm, interesting... I have never been a basketball fan, but that guy was something. There will never be another... It would be interesting to see him play again, but I think it might not be a good idea.... who knows...
Growing up I was glued to the television whenever Jordan played. In his prime he was an amazing athlete and always so competitive - not only with other players, but also with himself. After he officially retired, I, too, pretty much gave up watching the NBA and enjoyed more college ball.

I did, however, watch this year's finals ... which pretty much reminded me of why I wasn't watching the NBA in the first place. All this Labron James hype is overdone. Sure, he's a great player and athlete ... but he'll never live up to His Airness. Period.

I grew up in the Chicago Subburbs during those days and all I can say is, He can never be compared and was and is the greatest to play the game. I also dont watch NBA since. No point ... once you have wittnessed the greatness of Mike there was no point watching suppar play ;) I always wanted to be like Mike
once you have wittnessed the greatness of Mike there was no point watching suppar play
I totally agree with you on this! Have always been a Celtics fan and have only watched them one season, their championship season, since Jordan left the NBA. It just doesnt appeal to me like it did when Jordan, Bird and Magic played. Those were the best years ever of basketball!
I completely agree with you that he was/is and probably always will be the best. No one will ever be able to duplicate some of the things he did and accomplished. But i don't understand that if you are a basketball fan, you can't stand the NBA anymore? There are some unreal athletes in the NBA right now that I think are so fun to watch. And one of them is playing in Chicago right now! Derrick Rose has brought some excitement back to Chicago which I love to see. IDK...maybe it's just becuse I played in college and think that what those guys can do at their size is just flat out amazing.

Jordan is the best don't get me wrong! :drink1:
I totally agree that there are some amazing athletes in the NBA today and Rose is certainly near the top of the list. It's not that I can't stand watching, it's just that it's lost some of its appeal. If you teamed Rose up with Jordan, Pippen, Rodman, Harper, Kukoc, Paxson, Kerr and some of the other great bench players from back in the day, they'd probably still kick some a$$!

The 80s with Bird, Magic and early 90s with Jordan were the BEST period in basketball. Now the great players are on a different team every year it seems so its hard to root for teams anymore.
I agree with most in that since Jordan left (I also grew up and got a lot more stuff to do) I have pretty much quite watching NBA. When I was younger, I enjoyed the NBA because I knew the players and collected cards etc. Since I've gotten older, I am now more into the GAME than the PLAYERS and have realized it is much more enjoyable to watch College ball than NBA. Too much one-man-show in the NBA for my taste and it's too slow paced.
My distaste has aaways come with the issue of $$$. Strikes have turned me off to the NBA and MLB and soon NFL. $$$ corrupts the spirit of the game. Just my 2 cents.